I would like connect to connect with Google fit app
I've been using Health Sync for a few days to sync activity captured with my 735XT through Garmin Connect to Google Fit. Seems to work pretty good, but would be better if Garmin would make their app…
I'm investigating and also posted similar on this forum. Garmin can also be much better but...my Samsung Galaxy smartphone "reads" the Steps whereas my Garmin Fenix can't (pushing a cart or other activities where I walk but my harm is still). Well...there is no absolute way to import that into Garmin Connect nor the other way around, so to have all in one place. In Connected App in both Apps...they "ignore" each other ! So I'm living with two apps, Connect and Health and weekly summing up the steps..don't know who's guilty here, Garmin or Samsung, but really the clients is the last poor element of the chain nowadays :-)
I don't understand why Garmin won't listen to it's massive user base and include the ability to natively sync health stats to google fit and other health platforms
1. maybe there aren't enough users in Garmin's massive user base who want this.
2. Garmin can't simply just start exchanging data with another company. Utilizing a company's API's usually requires an agreement between both companies, sometimes even a contract.
3. Some companies require a fee to use their APIs for commercial use.
4. Even if Google doesn't charge a fee to use the Google Fit api, there is still a cost to Garmin. They have to write the software to exchange data via the API, Keep it maintained and possibly add more computing resources to handle everything.
5. Every time Garmin updates their software, this new integration will be another item that will need to be regression tested to ensure nothing was broken,
6. Every time Google updates/changes their API, Garmin will need to update software on their side and run more regression tests again to ensure things still work.
7. Since Garmin and Google most likely don't store data the same way, there could be data conversion and other issues.
8. There could possibly be something in Googles Terms of Use that Garmin doesn't like.
9. Exchanging data between to different platform is rarely a simple thing.
All these things require time and resources to setup and maintain.
Your missing some of the points of having cross sharing of information. For example if you have a body weight metric that is updated automatically with many 3rd party scales, which syncs to google fit. This information cannot at present sync to Garmin connect. So it's not just Garmin>Google Fit it's also Google Fit (or similar health platform) to Garmin.