I agree with GuyP. Garmin really basically ignores swimmers in the number of badges available. And flying a drone is worth badge but swimming 10km in a single swim is not? The badge system looks like it…
i agree with all of you. It's very frustrating seeing badge for new watches only or specific event... what for swimmer', skater's, skier's ?? what if we can have a badge for doing more than 3-4-5 different…
That means obviously no adaption afterwards.
Not for indoors ativities. Elevation Correction works for outdoor activities with GPS.
Don't worry, after a few repeats 25 floors will be like nothing.
I can tell you that the technology in the watch that counted my floor climbing (35 floors / 350' ascent) is much more accurate than the technology in the watch (alt / baro)
In your case. In my case, it is exactly the opposite.
In the first activity (without GPS), my watch detected 161 floors and the Ascent of 491m, while the Elevation Gain was 537m, which was closer to the reality that was in fact about 20% higher.
In the second activity (GPS enabled), the watch detected 108 floors, Ascent of 329m, and Elevation Gain of 418m (barometric), while the reality was 506m (after applying the Elevation Correction). So, again the Ascent by huge margin worse than Elevation Gain.
ABC Options > Altimeter > Auto Cal. > During Activity > Continuous
Try turning it off, and doing another attempt. I do not have the option for the continuous auto calibration during activity, so cannot test it, but using auto-calibration indoors makes no sense, and the question is whether it does not rather make some mess with your baro data, if it continuously tries to calibrate to a bad GPS signal, or to the last known position.
Sorry, you're right of course. I meant, how do you achieve those floor climbing badges. I don't have a floor climbing app on my Fenix 3 HR. Is it only for newer devices or can it be achieved with any other app, e.g. running or such. Or are there connect IQ apps which might help? Thanks a lot in advance!
Is it only for newer devices or can it be achieved with any other app, e.g. running or such.
You can try the Run Activity, and then changing the Activity Type in Garmin Connect to Floor Climb. However, you have to do the floor climb outdoors with GPS enabled, so that you have an elevation profile. AFAIK no other indoors activity than Foor Climb records the elevation profile, so doing the floor climb indoors would not work without having the right Floor Climb activity. Anyway, the total Elevation Gain that the GC web activity page reports must be higher than the threshold stated in the badge description.
Although I do know that the changing of the activity type in Garmin Connect works for many other badges, I am not 100% sure for the Floor Climb. It can also be that it needs some additional data about the number of floors or the total ascent, and it is possible that the data is not recorded with other activity profiles. It means ti can perhaps work, but perhaps also not. You have to test it.
I do not know whether there is some Connect IQ app that offers the Floor Climb activity to Fenix 3 HR, but if you find one, it is certainly worth of testing with it too.
Hi. Just to add something:
did the stepping today again, with 60 levels just to be sure. At level 41 my FR935 stopped counting suddenly, with continuing until 47 finally. That figure is changeable manually back afterwards to correct. The two main numbers (not correctable) today were 183m(600ft) ascent but only 116m (380ft) of positive gain.
Thus at least enough to reach the badge, but still unsatisfactory if you expect approximately exact numbers. But definitely the badge depends on the NUMBER OF POSITIVE ELEVATION GAIN! Garmin request the wrong number in the explanation of the badge.
B regards and thanks for your time and help.
For the virtual climb badges: can they be earned with a vivoactive 3 ? thnx
For the virtual climb badges: can they be earned with a vivoactive 3 ? thnx
If there is the Floor Climb activity on them, then certainly. If not, then doing it outdoors with the Walk or Run activity and then changing it to Floor Climb in Garmin Connect, could work too, but I did not test it.
i think i have "enough" elevation gain at least for the lowest badge, but .... no badge at all
i think i have "enough" elevation gain at least for the lowest badge, but .... no badge at all
Yes, the activtiy looks all right, both Elevation Gain and Ascent are over the threashold, the activity type is also correctly set, and it is recorded by the device, with no manual edits shown. Should be fine. Try editing and saving the title of the activity. Up and then it can happen that a badge is not awarded during the sync due to a connectivity problems. In such cases the re-saving of the activity can help.