We currently do not have plans to add a custom "sleep goal" in Garmin Connect. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
+1 to this problem
Yes, please! Can't be so complicated...
Holy S**t! I was coming here to learn how to change the sleep target and I find it's not possible? What are Garmin's product managers thinking in that it's ok to hardcode a setting like this? SMH... It's just baffling.
Same here. A lot of well respected texts even say the minimum is 7 to 8. I almost always get 7.5 yet I'm punished in the game because I have a job and other obligations in life. I run 20 to 30 miles a week and would more, but I have time budgets. I see a sleep doctor regularly so I know I'm meeting his expectations.
Come on Garmin make a great product *better*.
I simply hate it when I don't hit my goals! I just can't sleep 8 full hours! Come on Garmin, it's really that difficult to correct this?