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Ability to change "Sleep Goal" from 8 hours

I did some research on this and apparently the 8 hour sleep goal is hard coded in. You can change your 'normal wake/bed time' in User Settings but it does NOT change your sleep goal. I realize 8 hours is an age old standard, but not having the ability to change this is very frustrating. The only time I sleep 8 hours is when I'm sick. A lot of us live healthy lives on way less than that, thus we should have the ability to change it like we can our step goals. Thanks!
  • Agreed there should be some scope to change as long as the app makes clear what the normal healthy range is for your age group etc
  • Totally agree! Thanks for doing the research.
  • I have been digging through the forum. There is currently still no updates on updating sleep goals from garmin?
  • This request has been up for over a year .
    Come on.. It shouldn't be so difficult to implement Garmin .. ????
  • Enric, who said that Garmin has to jump onto it and implement a feature pronto, just because a handful of Garmin Connect users have either independently requested it or chimed in? It's time you recalibrated your expectations from providers of free-of-subscription-charges online services, I reckon.
  • ASmugDill: You really have to scrap your idea of Garmin Connect being a free of charge service. It´s not! We pay for the service when we buy our devices, and for me Connect was a very important part of the product I bought.
    We´re not discussing any random hardware independent online service, it´s rather a vital part of making the Garmin devices useful, and without it the devices would be rather useless.

    Being able to change sleep goals is to me just as obvious as changing the step goal or intensity minutes goal, especially when considering that Garmin is promoting sleep tracking as one of the key features of their devices together with other health metrics.
  • I'm not against the idea. I'm against the silly expectation that Garmin ought to be at the users' beck and call and provide satisfaction of feature requests pronto, when the users really have no authority, power or leverage in forcing Garmin's hand. By all means, make suggestions through the official channel, and/or discuss them in a forum with peers if one so wishes, but stop pretending that something ought to be ‘respected’ or seen as important by someone else just because you may care about it as an individual user and small-time stakeholder in the picture. Even I, who have no material stake in Garmin but am only a fellow customer and product user, can venture the opinion that I don't care and I don't think it's such a compelling proposition that the company must take heed.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago
    I am a brand new user in so I’m going to revisit this subject… I haven’t had eight hours of sleep since I was a kid and so I think it’s more than reasonable to allow us to set our own sleep goals. I don’t believe how long this has been discussed here and has not been implemented
  • How do you change the default 8 Hour sleep goal in the connect mobile app ?
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago in reply to CyclingJason
    Seems you can’t......I find that crazy.