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How to add course point to the new course creation?

Not sure why but I can't save a course point. Not exactly sure how it is supposed to work but the SAVE button is gray and won't allow a save click. I assume the current end of course is where the point is to be saved but I can't click save. In other words, I draw the course up to the point where I want to save a course point. At this point I currently show the red STOP. I click create course point, select the type and name but the save button remains gray and disabled. I tried clicking somewhere along the course but nothing. How do you save a point on a course that you are creating?
  • I have exactly the same problem.

    This is with Garmin Connect in a web browser.

    Edit: I found the solution. You have to move the mouse cursor to a point along the track. And you have to be very precise, within 1-2 pixels. Then the mouse cursor will change from an open hand to a pointing finger. Click on the track, and you have a new course point.

    Bonus: When doing this, suddenly also all course points which were previously added in the Connect app on the phone will be visible in the web browser.
  • Allan's Edit worked for me, except the Coursepoints I imported didn't show up. Oh well, but what about coursepoints for LEFT, RIGHT, and STRAIGHT? How could they miss allowing those basic coursepoint types? Is there some other way to get the directional ones?
  • Same here, you have to be precise when adding but the food stop I added doesn't show up on the device screen as it does on the Iphone
  • Hi - this also worked for me, but my SAVE button is still greyed out.  I don't believe the couse points will be imported to the device unless they are saved.   Has anyone figured out how to SAVE them, its driving me crazy.

  • I had the same issue, but have found that if you create and save the course with no course points, THEN go back in to edit it, you can create a course point and it can then be saved fine.

  • Did Rusty's solution work for you? I create a course, edit it, add a point, save the point, but then can never save the change, it just crashes every time I try..hopeless

  • In order to save a point you have to save the course first.