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Export Sleep Data to Excel

I want to analyze my sleep patterns and would like to do it using Excel. Currently I can only seem to export the date and how many hours I have slept: not much usage.

I can see hours, levels and movement on the app on my phone. How do I export all of the data?

  • I didn't find/ see/ know this - this is GREAT!

  • For anyone struggling to find any sleep data in September 2023, it looks like the "sleep" section under the Garmin Connect Web reports is currently MIA in the navigation menu, but I was still able to access it via the link:

    I went to check how I was doing on my annual sleep goals and when I couldn't find the page I was stymied to find that the data wasn't there.  What the heck?!  I found this link in this or a similar thread and while the screenshot the poster posted still showed the menu item I remember, I got the report without the menu item by just navigating directly.

    The whole point of quantifying our fitness/health is to track trends over time and hopefully adjust our lifestyles using that helpful data to put ourselves on a path to better fitness or at least motivate ourselves with "kinda-sorta-accurate" stats.  I appreciate that Garmin Connect is baked into the cost of my devices and I'm not locked into another subscription.  If Garmin don't have a budget to build in-depth analysis in the website, the least they could do is provide easily exportable data in a variety of formats. 

    My devices and the ecosystem as a whole are still good products, but it seems like the Garmin team is missing someone to focus on data exports, data formats, etc.  Their exported data is whack.  I get spreadsheets that are simultaneously comma and space separated, where my units end up in the same columns as the values so they can't be used in formulas without being fixed first (it's not how I'm opening it, I do spreadsheets for a living).  They just need 1 person.  The kind of person who arranges things in neat little rows.  The kind of person who assigns numbers to all their belongings.  The type of person who goes on consistency crusades anytime something is out of line.  The type of person with some common sense to make and standardize the formats of all the reports and ensure they can be pulled correctly in every format.  Any change that could effect this should be mandatory reported to and approved by that person so these reports don't get jacked up every few months.  It feels like no one is responsible for this and the reports are just an afterthought, not part of the core product as it should be, especially considering their customer demographics.