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Moving Time Wrong Suddenly

The last 2 rides I have done (Yesterday & Today 4th July 2016) seem to be displaying differently in Garmin Connect and I don't know why.

For years now the Elapsed time is as it suggests and moving time just the time you were actually going along. So stopped at traffic lights or the café then moving time stops. The last two rides the moving time is the same as elapsed time and Time showing time in the saddle.

I know the auto pause is still working as it shows me every time I stop and start and my average speed is calculated properly.

I have Strava Connected so uploads to Strava are automatic and they appear correct on there.

Anyone else seeing this?
  • from what i can see this issue is only there when you make somekind of a stop which should not even be visible in connect if you have your device set for auto pause
    has anyone tryed a indoor bike activity and make a few short stops of 5-10 minutes just to see if the issue will appear there as well or if it is only present with activities using GPS ?
  • from what i can see this issue is only there when you make somekind of a stop which should not even be visible in connect if you have your device set for auto pause
    has anyone tryed a indoor bike activity and make a few short stops of 5-10 minutes just to see if the issue will appear there as well or if it is only present with activities using GPS ?

    I did an indoor bike session yesterday with several short stops, and moving time on Garmin Connect was still incorrect.
  • I did an indoor bike session yesterday with several short stops, and moving time on Garmin Connect was still incorrect.

    okay thanks then it cant be GPS time related
  • Related to AutoPause and Speedsensor?

    I am having this same issue where my Edge 25 does not look like it is recognizing all of the autopauses when I stop. I just started using a magnetless speed sensor and the issue could be related.

    Does anyone know if this issue is both with the iOS App and if you manually upload via a UBS cable to a laptop?

  • Why in some splits time is greater than moving time and in some else is smaller?
    Which is the logic?
  • just tryed to record the same ride with both my fenix 3 and my edge 1000 and both gave me the damned annoying datas
  • I am having this same issue where my Edge 25 does not look like it is recognizing all of the autopauses when I stop. I just started using a magnetless speed sensor and the issue could be related.

    Does anyone know if this issue is both with the iOS App and if you manually upload via a UBS cable to a laptop?


    I have seen the issue both with iOS App and USB.
  • I suspect that the problem is with Garmin Connect and not our hardware. It may be that Garmin Connect is mapping 'Time' and 'Moving Time' incorrectly when we upload our sessions.
  • Problem here as well. Garmin wake up! This makes GC useless anytime someone pauses an activity!

    This happens anytime I pause a ride. GC slowly climbs back up like you see in this image.....
  • Any manual way of correcting Connect Pause issue?

    Has anyone found a manual way to fix the Garmin Connect Autopause issue? Is there any other apps or websites out there that can manually pull the data from a Garmin device and post the correct speed and time data?

    Is there any word on when Garmin will have a fix or at least a workaround? This seems like something that is simple to fix. When it is fixed I hope they provide a tool to correct the months worth of data that we have all had corrupted.