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"Cycling Distance" Not Written From GCM to iOS Health App

Conspicuously absent from the data fields that are available to write from Garmin Connect Mobile to the iOS Health app via HealthKit is "Cycling Distance" (available fields are "Active Calories", "Steps" and "Walking + Running Distance"). I suppose when apps such as Strava or TrainingPeaks update to be compatible with HealthKit they will be able to write "Cycling Distance". But this seems rather an odd omission on Garmin's part. If you're using a Garmin device such as an Edge device, then Garmin is the original source of the data and should be writing it directly to HealthKit, not via an intermediary such as Strava.
  • I completely agree about the absence of "Cycling Distance". It seems that "Active Calories" doesn't include the calories expended in cycling, either! Raises the question of what are "Active Calories"! Since installing 8.0.2 on iPhone 6 the GCM app won't write any data from cycling -- distance OR calories.

    Like KRECTR, I'm hoping that the work-around will be to use Strava (which is sharing cycling data with GCM, as advertised).

    But 'cumon, Garmin, why release an app that claims to "work" with HealthKit when it really doesn't?!
  • This post should shed some light.
  • I just deleted and re-loaded GCM to see if I can get my bicycling km's showing up on Apple's Health app on the iPhone. What a waste of time! The bicycling km's do not get transferred to Apple's Health app. Gee, looks like I'm 6 years later than the first recommendation to get cycling distance transferred. I was just checking Garmin Connect GCM for my cycling distances. I guess I'll continue and continue to use Health app as much as before which was hardly ever... I'm disappointed is all I have to say.

  • Have a look in your Walking + Running Distance. They’ve got it syncing to the wrong place in the last 3-4 versions of GCM.

    Its hard to believe the incompetence of their iOS development team sometimes, but there is enough evidence to suggest it really is that hopeless. 

  • Yep. And in addition to that, the cycling distance is summed up several times, probably for each subsequent GC sync. So wrong category and much, much higher values.

  • Guys, remember to 1* them in the app store and mention these bugs in the review.

  • Checkout “Workouts” In the health app. GCM must be categorising it as a workout, whether deliberately or otherwise. 
    Oops! It’s only recording the workout time and not the distance. Well there you go.

  • So first post was 7 years ago, still no solution?

  • My Health insurance is giving me a discount on garmin products when I do some step and/or cycling challanges. All synced via Apple Health.

    As a cyclist, garmin please fix this stupid old issue! -.-

    At least counting steps and sync is working…

  • I agree 100%, Im up to a point where competitor solutions is the best way to solve this. Please Garmin fix this issue or come christmas I know what santa is going to give me…If I have the patience to wait that long…