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The "laps" tab is suddenly no longere visible for custom workouts in the Garmin Connect app...

Suddenly after my workout today I don't see the tab "laps" anymore on my custom workout in the Garmin Connect app...

Even in the history the tab "laps" is disappeared. I have a Epix Gen 2. Does anyone else has this same problem?

  • I am having the same problem. 
    I only see overview, stats and chart.   The tab for laps is not seen   

  • Tell Garmin:

    And please don't forget to mention this is also an issue for the Android version.

  • As we all know by now only the laps tracked using manual lap or auto-lap are shown in Connect mobile (except for sports like Cycling). The editing of lap labels is possible on activities like Running or Cycling, but when testing it on Inline Skating (a new activity profile still under the Other Sports category) it does not feature this option.

    I believe this too is a product from being under ‘Other’, which is a category that has fallen behind on a few updates in mobile—another being Self Evaluation.

    Here you’ll see a cycling (using a custom workout) with the edit intervals option.

    Here’s a skating activity with laps registered using auto-lap but without the edit intervals option.

    Is it possible the section’s change of name from Laps to Intervals in the activity view have something to do with this? Can it not fetch the data because it hasn’t been updated in this category, hence why we still see Laps as a section in Other Sports and Intervals in Cycling?

    A mobile alternative I’ve been using to see laps, but lacks the variety of data provided by Garmin, is Strava.

    Another which is almost similar is Today’s Plan, but today I was notified it’ll stop being supported soon.

  • Two months and no solution

  • The helpdesk on the phone told me it would be back ok before the end of the year The last phonecall they told me it’s because I use IOS, if I would buy an Android, this problem will be gone…

  • As mentioned previously it's also gone from the Android software, If you are in contact again you can send them greetings and tell them that,

  • Haha, I’m don’t know anything from Android

    I called them already 5 times… I give up now Disappointed

  • That’s strange. I’ve noticed that on ISO the lap tab is available. However with Android it’s not seen.  

  • Seems as though they just don’t care. Face palm tone2‍♀️

  • Been using Strava for lap analysis since there hasn't been any fix to this. I like that it goes even more detailed when creating a segment/circuit and having laps by time (custom workout) and actual lap (segment), while also seeing speed and HR data zoomed in to the viewed segment and lap.

    Still, I miss being able to see moving time compared to lap time. It's an insightful feature in my analysis to track those pauses during efforts. I seldom turn on the computer or open the website in either phone or tablet just to see my data in Connect. Anyone does this on a day-to-day basis? Stuck out tongue closed eyes