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Apple Health Activity Ring does not fill after workout is completed on a Garmin device (Request for improvement on how Garmin Connect writes data to Apple HealthKit SDK)

Hello, I use my Garmin Fenix 6 for all my workouts and my Apple Watch 7 for daily use. When completed a workout, Garmin Connect synchronizes with Apple Health. Apple Health sees the workout data but does not fill the activity ring. Could anyone provide a solution to this? I see its a common problem among Garmin - Apple users. Garmin, please take care of this!! Thank you!

  • yes you have my permission to email me also.

    I think its a easy fix for Garmin and could just be an over sight.

  • I'm glad you aren't going to change Garmin Training API, because hopefully you won't break stuff that way.  Please note that all the problems people are having here having nothing to do with that API however.   The issue is the Garmin Connect Mobile iOS software not properly implementing Apple's HealthKit API.  

    1. Yes, you still do.

    2. This page won't give you any useful info.

    3. The pages you are asking about also won't show you the problem.  But I'll include some that do:

    This is a run I did this morning, and allowed Garmin to write to Apple Health.  All needed permissions were granted before I started the run.    It looks ok, but if you click on "Total Active Energy" you get this: 

    This is why the rings don't close.  You get that same message if you click on the walking + running distance value as well.  Garmin Connect is simply not including the values correctly when the write it.  Here is the same screen from the Apple Health entry from Strava from the same run.  Notice that it has a value.  If you click on it, you get the details INCLUDING a start and end time, which is required for any of this to work.  

    Walking + Running does the same thing.   They actually write the values as part of the workout, and give the required fields for them to work.     I'm not sure how Garmin is doing it, but it's wrong.   

    This is the screen you asked for:

    I'm not sure how Garmin is putting that data there, as it isn't related to the workout in HealthKit, and if you click on it you get this: 

    Which is Garmin Connect incorrectly writing the entry as it should have a start and end time stamp.  Calories are burned over time, they aren't an instant measurement.  Heart rate shouldn't have a start and end, it's a snap shop.  Garmin gets this in other places (even if they don't do it well) since steps are recorded as 15 minute spans.  Ideally after a workout, all the info in the .FIT file should be written into HealthKit second by second, and everything would work great.  Strave doesn't do that, but RunGap does.   

    Anyway, it's been years without this working, for some reason there are a bunch of people upset about it at the moment, and I could explain why I think Garmin should invest time on making this work, but I think I'm going to try and move on until it looks like some type of progress is being made here.   , I would be happy to work directly with the development team or whoever if it would help, but I don't think there is much more I can say here.  Thanks!

  •  thank you for the information that you provided.  To have a complaint about this registered, please respond to this message with the requested screenshots.  At this time, because we have no plans to make any changes, we do not need any other screenshots or information, only the requested information.

  • Hi Garmin Kevin, I just got your email and I’ve sent the requested info.

    Hope you can fix the calorie file that’s sent to apple health .

  • as stated in my previous comment, there are currently no plans to make changes to how information is synced through the Garmin Training API.  Additionally, I am still waiting for the requested screenshots from you.

  • I responded to the email with the info let me know if you still did not get it.

    But if no change will be made to fix this, why request information and screenshots ?

  • . Thanks for the reply, and I appreciate your candor in letting us know that Garmin doesn't currently plan to fix this issue.  You do have me curious though:  I assume the reason you still ask us to complain is that Garmin could, in theory, change their mind if enough people complain.  But I still don't understand what the screen shots will help you with since they don't show any info related to this issue (this is an honest question, I would really like to know what you are learning from them.  I'm assuming it's something or you wouldn't bother asking).   Also, I think you are causing confusion every time you say there will be no changes related to the "Garmin Training API" since nobody with this issue can understand how thats related to you using Apples HealthKit API.   You might want to just say that Garmin has no plans to 'make any changes', since that makes it sound like we both might be talking about the same thing.

    Thanks again!  Mark 

  • As tracks (running activities) are also not synched, I use Rungap app on iOS to sync…but activity rings are also not impacted

  • perfect explanation, i hope they fix it... Are you going direct from Garmin to Health ? I want to eliminate Strava as the middle man.

  • I think unfortunately simply doesn't understand the issue, and is not willing to admit to that, nor get the people at Garmin who do understand involved. This is unfortunate, but at least, Strava changed their policy in the meantime, so the Strava workaround is back, but I still think we should all officially complain to Garmin about this for them to put in the effort to fix their implementation of Apple HealthKit with Garmin Connect Mobile for iOS.