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Apple Health Activity Ring does not fill after workout is completed on a Garmin device (Request for improvement on how Garmin Connect writes data to Apple HealthKit SDK)

Hello, I use my Garmin Fenix 6 for all my workouts and my Apple Watch 7 for daily use. When completed a workout, Garmin Connect synchronizes with Apple Health. Apple Health sees the workout data but does not fill the activity ring. Could anyone provide a solution to this? I see its a common problem among Garmin - Apple users. Garmin, please take care of this!! Thank you!

  • 1. iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 16.1

    2. Forerunner 955

    3. Yes

    4. Yes. 

    5. USA

    • What Apple device do you own and what is the current sw? (We realize this is not relevant to the functionality.)
    • What Garmin device do you use as your current (Preferred) activity tracker?
    • May we have permission to access your Garmin Connect account?
    • May we have permission to email you?
    • In what country do you live?

    1. iPhone 13 Pro - iOS 16.1
    2. FR 955 and Edge 830
    3.Yes, you may access my Garmin acct
    4.Yes, you may email me regarding this

    It would also be nice if Garmin could read non-Garmin data from Apple HealthKit; this would allow Garmin to improve the accuracy of their own fitness calculations and workout recommendations. Like many, I wear an Apple Watch all day, so it records my steps, walking distance, etc., not my Forerunner. As such, Garmin doesn't see all of the activity so the fitness reports and workout suggestions cannot take that information into account, making those features pretty worthless. Garmin tells me I have a low aerobic shortage, but I walk 9-10 miles most days and Garmin simply doesn't know it - then I get these workout recommendations for very slow runs. I'd love to utilize these features of the FR955, but they need a complete view of activity to be useful.  

  • Like many, I wear an Apple Watch all day, so it records my steps, walking distance, etc., not my Forerunner.

    I never understood how people would want to wear two, three, four different watches for different purposes. I get one does this and one does that, but just seems odd to me

  • Hey Josh.  Would you grant us permission to email you, view your GC account and add you as a user officially requesting this feature/upgrade?

  • Of course kevin, always! Here to help. Slight smile

  • Keep in mind that there are more than just watches available. I have a bike computer that I’d love to have it properly synch between the two libraries (and keep in mind that the Apple Health library is wholistic while Garmin is training focused and will never be more than that). I would be happy to have Garmin properly update the Apple Health library like it claims to do, but does not. It is a train wreck and I’m amazed at how bad it is, but could easily be corrected if Garmin would put some effort into it. As to the fitness aspect of Garmin watches, it really pertains to the lack of capability of the Apple Watch. While they have improved, and continue to do so, many runners prefer the Garmin over Apple due to battery life, physical buttons, distance accuracy (Apple is always short) and customizable displays. While Apple is improving, and I expect them to overtake Garmin at some point, the Apple Watch is still not there for the avid runners. And for biking, the Apple Watch is simply a fail. So while I much prefer the Apple Watch for day to day activities to ANYTHING that Garmin sells (Apple provides a far superior experience), there are things that the Garmin does better and more accurate, for now!

  • What works for you or makes sense to you may not to others. Personally, I like the Apple Watch much better for daily wear - I find its features far more useful for that. The Forerunner, IMO, is much better suited for workouts - it is far better for running than AW. Even before I had an AW, I wore no watch and only used my Forerunners (FR610, 620, et al) when I ran. I personally do not want to wear my Garmin watch all the time and shouldn't be forced to because Garmin doesn't want to play nice with Apple. I also dont wear an active pair of running shoes unless im running, so.... 

    AW is not great for cycling either, so I'd love for the data from my Edge 830 to also populate correctly in Apple Health. 

  • Yup.  this is exactly the point.   My Apple Watch unlocks my house, has a much better wallet experience, allows me to read work email, authenticates me to both my personal laptop and work systems, lets me quickly respond to texts, alerts me to package delivery, etc.   None of which Garmin watches do well (in many/most cases through no fault of their own because Apple locks everybody else out).  Meanwhile, the 530 is a much better form factor than a watch, and is easier to use (with better battery life) than an iPhone app, so I want that for biking.  My Fenix batter life and physical buttons are perfect for weekend hikes or longer workouts, so I want to use that for those.   I want to be able to use a scale and BP cuff from WIthings, others may want to use Eufy or other device.   The entire point of Apple Health is to let all anybody with an app have one method to publish and read data that instantly integrates them with every other Apple Health compatible app out there.  Like you, I would love for Garmin to READ from Apple Health (but understand why they might not want to), but I expect them to Write to it correctly no matter what since they advertise that.    Kevin, would love to get any progress updates on getting traction if/when you do.  Thanks again!

  • 1. iphone 13 mini, ios 16.1

    2. forerunner 245

    3. Yes

    4. Yes

    5. Poland

  • 1. iPhone 14 Pro with iOs 16.1

    2. Garmin Forerunner 955

    3. Yes

    4. Yes

    5. USA

    I want my Garmin Health data (of which there’s a lot!) to properly sync to Apple Health, including: “Activity” (which I think is the Apple Health title for what feeds Fitness rings); Exercise Minutes; Cycling Distance; my Body Fat Percentage, BMI, Weight to have correct times (they all sync as 12:00am even though the Index Smart Scale 2 supports multiple measurements in a day); Heart Rate Variability (notably missing, though perhaps an iOS API limitation for writing it?); Mindfulness Minutes (from Breathwork exercises); Water intake is also syncing once at 12:00; Respiratory Rate is missing (maybe API limitation); and Blood Oxygen (maybe API limitation).

    I do want to point out that a lot IS getting in correctly, like active energy, flights climbed, resting energy, walking/running distance, and workouts.
