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Apple Health Activity Ring does not fill after workout is completed on a Garmin device (Request for improvement on how Garmin Connect writes data to Apple HealthKit SDK)

Hello, I use my Garmin Fenix 6 for all my workouts and my Apple Watch 7 for daily use. When completed a workout, Garmin Connect synchronizes with Apple Health. Apple Health sees the workout data but does not fill the activity ring. Could anyone provide a solution to this? I see its a common problem among Garmin - Apple users. Garmin, please take care of this!! Thank you!

  • 100% a management decision (or lack of one by default).   This week I also learned that if you tweak a fit file to make it look like you recorded it on a garmin watch it will factor into all the load metrics (including the recovery time n your actual garmin watch) making it all the more obvious they are going out of their way to lock folks in.   I get that garmin doesn’t want to make it easy to move your data out of their ecosystem, but people want interoperability, and they are missing out on a revenue stream. I’m going to use an Apple Watch as my daily watch.   I want a smart watch and garmin is not even in the same league when it comes to that.   I would LIKE to use a garmin watch to record longer workouts or structured training (plus time on the bike, etc) but combining the too is a real pain.   That’s pushing me toward just giving up on garmin and calling apple “good enough”.  

    I believe that garmin should leverage their investment in firstbeat and create a subscription based service (yes, I know, everybody hates them, but most of us use them anyway.) that performs the analysis on the back end AND includes full integration with apple health (and whatever the android equivalent is).   I’d be happy to pay a small fee for a service that transparently lets me use Apple Watch workouts in garmin connect, keeps my profile updated for weight, sleep, etc as measured by non-garmin devices, and pushes any garmin based workouts back out for the Health ecosystem to use.     I know there are apps that will sync activities.   But Garmin doesn’t treat them the same, they have other shortcomings, they don’t handle any non workout metrics, and they also cost money (which is rather give to garmin for something that does it all).     Releasing this isn’t going to reduce sales to folks who want to be garmin first (or only), it’s only going to increase sales of a garmin as a second device and bios recurring revenue.  

    All this assumes that apple doesn’t release something with good battery life and buttons next week, in which case I think I may just move on, although I would still miss connect. 

  • Well said and I totally agree with you … I actually returned my epix 2 until I see what next week brings . If Apple Watch 8 is similar to my 7 than I may just end up getting the epix again and use both But if the 8 is a decent upgrade then I will have to think hard before getting another Garmin as a secondary workout watch ….. if only Garmin would work nice with apple health they could be my perfect combo 

  • So, after ios 16 update and latest epix2 fw update I got red ring working (kcal), the other rings (stand + exercise) so far 0. That is small progress... I would suppose exercise ring is also doable (minutes of exercising is coming from activities anyway?).

  • Yea, now we can compete in Apple Fitness challenges Slight smile

  • Mine was working yesterday. 
    but nothing today!! What on earth???

  • I'm should get a macro that replies "Garmin's integration with HealthKit doesn't work." any time somebody mentions Apple Health or Fitness.

  • yeah or 1 cent. could have a good money by now!

  • Hopefully 16.1 will get another ring to work :) 

    hopefully we can get all 3 to work by iOS 17 lol

  • 1. Yes you have my permission to access my account.



    4. yes you have my permission to email me for diagnostic logs.

  • Garmin you should have EVERYTHING you need now to fix this 3 years later ... Come on now. I would even consider getting the new Marqu 2 if you would just fix the health integration. Most people use apple health and activity rings , maybe hire new software engineers we need this fixed.. Follow Strava's  or something .