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Apple Health Activity Ring does not fill after workout is completed on a Garmin device (Request for improvement on how Garmin Connect writes data to Apple HealthKit SDK)

Hello, I use my Garmin Fenix 6 for all my workouts and my Apple Watch 7 for daily use. When completed a workout, Garmin Connect synchronizes with Apple Health. Apple Health sees the workout data but does not fill the activity ring. Could anyone provide a solution to this? I see its a common problem among Garmin - Apple users. Garmin, please take care of this!! Thank you!

  • Im not so worried about the activity ring as much as everything else. Scale related (BMI, body fat etc)

  • Am I to understand that there is no way to sync my Strava activity to Connect now? 

  • I just got a Fenix 7 Solar and after seeing this post I'm thinking about sending it back to Amazon. For such an expensive device support seems pretty crappy.

    They are only pointing to Apple when it's clearly their fault... they send "steps" as one single package instead of a lot of little ones (like iphone/apple watch do)

  • And the only thing worse than their apple health support is their customer service. Garmin could learn a thing or two from the extended car warranty  business

  • Has this been fixed yet ? Has anyone tried it with the iOS 16 beta? I may try that after vacation if no one else has 

  • Given Garmin has said there are no plans to fix it, I wouldn't expect so.  (and see no evidence that any of these issues are addressed yet).  The iOS beta is irrelevant because the problem isn't on Apple's end, it's the way Garmin doesn't correctly use HealthKit.  If anything, with the new version of HealthKit that is coming out there are even more fields that Garmin won't be populating that most of us would like to see.  

  • Thanks for the update … so I guess I’ll continue to use both health and Garmin connect since I use both watch’s for different needs .

  • It’s purely a garmin issue. Their apple health record creation is an incompetent train wreck

  • And this is the exact use case that Garmin is ignoring...  there are a number of us that want to use both pieces of hardware, and have both pieces of software consume the data....   I know that it's not rocket science to get the data into HealthKit correctly, and since Garmin has several partners that impact their metrics, I have to think it's entirely possible to enable Connect to use HealthKit data in meaningful ways.   And that would keep me on two devices vs. strongly considering bailing on Garmin watches since I get more daily utility from the Apple watch.    (btw, if you are using both, there are Apps like HealthFit or RunGap that can bridge a lot of the data).  

  • Awesome thank you for that , I may start using that for now and see how it goes and if next Apple Watch will push me to sell my epix 2