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Apple Health Activity Ring does not fill after workout is completed on a Garmin device (Request for improvement on how Garmin Connect writes data to Apple HealthKit SDK)

Hello, I use my Garmin Fenix 6 for all my workouts and my Apple Watch 7 for daily use. When completed a workout, Garmin Connect synchronizes with Apple Health. Apple Health sees the workout data but does not fill the activity ring. Could anyone provide a solution to this? I see its a common problem among Garmin - Apple users. Garmin, please take care of this!! Thank you!

  • with all the Garmin users (customers) asking for this what is the specific reason for Garmin’s unwillingness to act? From a customer perspective this seems to be a simple tweak, so why take the stubborn stance of not fixing? Garmin isn’t a phone company, but we all have iPhones. Seems allowing us to use AppleHealth as a data hub is wise. If not it just drives the Garmin user base to Apple Watch.

  • How could this not be a quick fix for them !

  • Not just that. But with ios 16, the activity rings will be for all users without apple watch. So finally cross platform challenges and other stuff. So if you can’t get the rings closed with your garmin, there are other options.

    I use rungap, but the lack of support for garmins 2fa is a pain Slight smile

  • but doesn't rungap just sync activities? With closing all three rings working without an AW I would assume that should not only work for activities but generally for steps, standing, active calories without having to start an activity. But this needs Garmin to implement that and we see how much Garmin cares about customer happiness with this 10 page long thread.

  • Yeah. You have to standup as well. But outside of apple ecosystem only activities counts. For now atleast. But thats not garmins fault. Apple is improving that with ios16.

    btw I still think that the fundamental thing thats not woking are calories in apctivities(workouts)

  • Just submitted a request for this - what a crappy thing for Garmin to do - 

  • The problem is all garmin’s and their trainwreck of an integration. My garmin synchs to strava and strava synchs to apple health. My strava data from garmin works perfectly. So the problem is garmin!

  • Hi all I have exactly the same issue. I found a workaround by connecting my Garmin Connect with Strava then Strava downloads the activity to Apple Heath. By this way move ring is updated as well as training ring. 
    there is no duplicate at all from Strava and Garmin into Apple Heath for move and training ring. 

  • This only works until Strava decides (again!) to stop that sync. Also why do I need another account (and blurt out my data) for an app I do not even use at all just to accomplish what every other manufacturer does right out of the box?

  • For sure, it was just my experience as workaround. I’m not from Garmin and I promote this fix. 
    I’m working in Information System and I do think it’s an easy fix. 
    It’s Garmin’s perspective to not move forward this fix. 
    how can we push them under pressure to sort this out? Any idea? 