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Apple Health Activity Ring does not fill after workout is completed on a Garmin device (Request for improvement on how Garmin Connect writes data to Apple HealthKit SDK)

Hello, I use my Garmin Fenix 6 for all my workouts and my Apple Watch 7 for daily use. When completed a workout, Garmin Connect synchronizes with Apple Health. Apple Health sees the workout data but does not fill the activity ring. Could anyone provide a solution to this? I see its a common problem among Garmin - Apple users. Garmin, please take care of this!! Thank you!

  • Yes I posted on his forum too. This needs to get out more. 

  • Same here, 
    This is wanted feature by many. 
    I understand that you want to lock people in, but after yesterday's presentation of apple and their introduction of new watchos, I think you should make it compatible with healthkit, or you loose lot of beginner runners/triathletes 

  • Kevin, delete your account and stop posting BS.  We’re sick of you jumping between threads, redirecting Garmin users to worthless FAQ’s.  Get your tech team and fix this S.

  • This crap is happening for a long time, Garmin forum reps certainly can play for time, right? :-D

    Please submit also new feature suggestion (however crazy it sounds this seems to be not a "problem fix" for Garmin, but rather a "new feature"). See my post in this thread for a link...

    thx mate

  • i cant believe this is not fixed yet , with all the requests and support tickets. It seems to be such an easy fix for Garmin.

    I wonder if IOS16 would make it work

  • The apple health integration is a train wreck .. don’t expect iOS to be the source of a fix. In my case, garmin is updating Strava and Apple Health with Strava updating Apple Health as well. The garmin Apple Health is a total mess while the data coming from Strava looks ok .. so it is a Garmin mess!

  • Even without having access to the Garmin source code, I find it very unprobable, that any iOS update can fix it. I am very sure it is on the Garmin side where the problem is. They transfer data to Apple health already, but to the wrong data sets. So in principle everything should be there as far as I can tell. It is just using the right data field names. (and other brands can use the right data fields, so its not on the Apple side). 
    What is beyond me, is why they refuse to fix it. It should be a 5-10 min thing to correct (plus testing efforts of course). Therefore I have to assume, they just do not want to fix it, which is imho a super bad strategic decision.  

  • Agreed on it being a bad strategic decision especially with all the new running metrics that are coming out in watchOS 9.  I’ve logged over 12K miles in Garmin’s ecosystem since 2009 and think watchOS 9 is what gets me to ditch it.  

    It’s not just this one (extremely!) frustrating issue - it’s a combination of many requests ignored and it’s a bit of a hassle to use two smartwatches.  Seeing the updated forerunners also leads me to believe it doesn’t really have anywhere else to go given the limited number of new features.

  • I see that they updated the Connect app today, but my watch is home. Can anyone confirm if it fix the issue ?

  • So , 2 months gone - many people gave permission and sent screenshots from apple health (me included). I have not seen any closure from your end... I suppose even Garmin has basic decency to answer when THEY are asking for our data? Thanks