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Apple Health Activity Ring does not fill after workout is completed on a Garmin device (Request for improvement on how Garmin Connect writes data to Apple HealthKit SDK)

Hello, I use my Garmin Fenix 6 for all my workouts and my Apple Watch 7 for daily use. When completed a workout, Garmin Connect synchronizes with Apple Health. Apple Health sees the workout data but does not fill the activity ring. Could anyone provide a solution to this? I see its a common problem among Garmin - Apple users. Garmin, please take care of this!! Thank you!

  • Garmin can you please esclate this issue ?  So many of us have been waiting for this to be fixed ? IT worked way in the past. Its a easy fix... At least give us an update ?

  • This is the highest viewed post on here , you would this it could of been address by now !

  • Which means it is very likely a strategic decision rather than a mere oversight. 

    1. Do we have your permission to access your Garmin Connect account and add you to the aforementioned internal ticket?


    1. Please reply with a screenshot of the Activity page from your Apple Health app.

    1. Please also include a screenshot of what you see in the Apple Health app when following the path below:
      • Apple Health App > Show All Health Data > Active Energy > Show All Data > Take Screenshot On This Page

    1. Do we have your permission to email you so that we may acquire diagnostic logs from your Garmin Connect mobile app?

    Yes you have my permission to acquire logs

  • THIS exactly is why I have sold all 4! Garmin watches (F5, F6x, vivoactive 3 and 4) that I have owned and stopped developing apps and watchfaces, too because it does not matter what customers demand. Garmin does not listen. It’s a shame. 

  • Welĺ I understand . This might pretty much end the same way. I bought garmin epix - not exactly the cheap device. If it doesn’t deliver it goes out.

    garmin needs to understand that in 2022, great HW is not enough. SW is equally important part.

  • I was ready to come back for an F7x though. Because Garmin gives me some benefits I am missing with an Apple Watch. I was checking to see if at least some of the issues I already had with the VA3 5years ago where fixed. And the rings thing was the most annoying. But as I see here .... nope. Garmin is still not interested in a good ecosystem. Even Polar does way better here and their top watch costs half of what the Fenix does. Bummer I don't like their design. 

  • You would think Garmin would give us some sort of update or reason. It’s such an easy fix I can’t understand why they don’t do it and I recall a few years ago it worked properly

  • They don't even give use release notes. I checked the release notes for the GC App trying to figure out if "my" topics have been fixed but the notes are the same nonsensical "release notes" ala "we are greater than before". So they are not actually trying to have happy customers. Anyway. It's too off topic here even though the outcome of this (and most other on this forum asking why things do not work) thread is low customer satisfaction. It's not rocket surgery. I integrate 3rd party APIs into customers apps all day. 
    So to be on-topic again:  do you have a chance to get our concerns prioritised higher? If yes, please tell some PO or Stakeholder of Garmin that loads of people are unsatisfied here. Can we vote on Bugs/Feature Requests? 

    I at least won't ever recommend any Garmin device to anyone having an iPhone as long as this bug is not fixed.