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Unable to send courses from Connect to Garmin device - all devices not compatible

Uploaded my ride to Connect from my 520+ this morning and it downloaded a software update. 
Now I can't send any routes from Connect to ANY of my devices. Connect displays the message that none of my devices are compatible  

Although the message is that ALL my devices are incompatible (since yesterday!) and I'm unable to send a route to the Edge 520+ or the Forerunner, they both still connect and sync, and upload activities.

If the problem is that the 520+ update was interrupted or didn't complete, wouldn't it affect just that device? 

When I took my screenshot below only the Forerunner was connected but you can see that everything is listed as not compatible. 

 (And yes I've got some old, unused devices still on Connect but that was the same yesterday when everything still worked)

I've switched everything off and on again: and disconnected the Forerunner then linked it again.  Privacy settings on my routes haven't changed - nothing new has happened except the 520+ software update. 

Any ideas please?

  • Did yours suddenly stop working? And did you have a software update too?

  • This is a diagnostik report from Garmin conect about my devices. I dont know what I think about it. 

    And yes, suddenly stop working it  

    GCM Diagnostics
    17. září 2021 8:01:21 SELČ
    Build Type Release
    App Version
    GCS Version 4.45
    Install ID A323F5C4-780E-4DDA-8DAA-9E760D169363
    Device Install ID 4782BA38-86B1-47D7-AF28-198E56045397
    GC Acct. Name [email protected]
    GCS Transaction Key 15ufwwtgmu2cp3klmgjhwa!
    Profile Name e45eaf2d-baac-4a5f-b0c8-4249e5ed35e7
    Full Name Koude
    GCS Server Production
    Tracker ID

    Paired Garmin Devices

    deviceId: 3348635424,
    activeInd: 1,
    displayName: vívoactive 4,
    versionString: (null),
    segmentcapable: NO,
    vivohubConfigurable: NO,
    lastconnectedTimeStamp: 2021-09-16 20:31:27 +0000,
    lastSoftwareUpdateCheckTimeStamp: (null),
    syncErrorOrNil: (null),
    weatherSetting: YES,
    weatherAlertsSetting: NO,
    autoUploadSetting: YES,
    liveTrackAutoStartSetting: NO,
    hasBeenRegisteredWithGC: YES,
    audioPromptsSettings.announceLapsEnabled: NO,
    audioPromptsSettings.announceHeartRateEnabled: NO,
    audioPromptsSettings.announcePaceSpeedEnabled: NO,
    isPreferredActivityTracker: YES

    floorsClimbedGoalSupport: YES
    isBloodPressureMonitor: NO
    primary: YES
    isHandednessCapable: NO
    productDisplayName: vívoactive 4
    bluetoothClassicDevice: NO
    supportsCustomIntensityMinutes: YES
    supportsSleep: YES
    excludeCountries: No Data
    isBestInClassCapable: NO
    product SKU: 010-02174-03
    applicationKey: vivoactive4WifiLarge
    wifi: NO
    minSoftwareVersion: 630
    hasSecondaryUsers: NO
    supportsWeatherDeviceSetting: NO
    hasOpticalHeartRate: YES
    isThirdPartyDevice: NO
    intensityMinutesGoalSupport: YES
    categories: (Běh a jízda na kole,Zdraví a fitness,Golf)
    includeCountries: No Data
    supportsHeartRateZones: YES
    moderateIntensityMinutesGoalSupport: NO
    partNumber: 006-B3225-00
    isPrimaryUser: NO
    fullProductDisplayName: vívoactive 4
    wasp: NO
    hybrid: YES
    supportsCustomStrideLength: YES
    productNumber: 3225
    bluetoothLowEnergyDevice: YES
    isPressToSyncDevice: NO

    ["unitID": "3348635424", "friendlyName": "vívoactive 4", "maxPacketSize": "0", "productName": "vívoactive 4", "productNumber": "3225", "downloadFileTypes": "", "configurationItems": "[0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 29, 33, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 57, 58, 59, 62, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77]", "interfaceIdentifier": "NSNull", "supportsGFDIMessage5050": "false", "softwareVersion": "630", "hasAnotherInterface": "false", "commLimitation": "nil", "bluetoothLowEnergyIdentifier": "A35C8127-486E-1592-3702-30FFE5C5AD9D"]

    deviceId: 3325774184,
    activeInd: 1,
    displayName: Edge 520 Plus,
    versionString: (null),
    segmentcapable: NO,
    vivohubConfigurable: NO,
    lastconnectedTimeStamp: 2021-09-16 20:31:25 +0000,
    lastSoftwareUpdateCheckTimeStamp: (null),
    syncErrorOrNil: (null),
    weatherSetting: YES,
    weatherAlertsSetting: NO,
    autoUploadSetting: YES,
    liveTrackAutoStartSetting: NO,
    hasBeenRegisteredWithGC: YES,
    audioPromptsSettings.announceLapsEnabled: NO,
    audioPromptsSettings.announceHeartRateEnabled: NO,
    audioPromptsSettings.announcePaceSpeedEnabled: NO,
    isPreferredActivityTracker: NO

    floorsClimbedGoalSupport: NO
    isBloodPressureMonitor: NO
    primary: YES
    isHandednessCapable: NO
    productDisplayName: Edge 520 Plus
    bluetoothClassicDevice: YES
    VideoPageURL: No Data
    embeddedVideoURL: No Data
    supportsCustomIntensityMinutes: NO
    supportsSleep: NO
    excludeCountries: No Data
    isBestInClassCapable: NO
    product SKU: 010-02083-10
    applicationKey: edge520plus
    wifi: NO
    minSoftwareVersion: 560
    hasSecondaryUsers: NO
    supportsWeatherDeviceSetting: YES
    hasOpticalHeartRate: NO
    isThirdPartyDevice: NO
    intensityMinutesGoalSupport: NO
    categories: (Běh a jízda na kole,)
    includeCountries: No Data
    supportsHeartRateZones: YES
    moderateIntensityMinutesGoalSupport: NO
    partNumber: 006-B3112-00
    isPrimaryUser: NO
    fullProductDisplayName: Edge 520 Plus
    wasp: NO
    hybrid: NO
    supportsCustomStrideLength: NO
    productNumber: 3112
    bluetoothLowEnergyDevice: YES
    isPressToSyncDevice: NO

    ["productNumber": "3112", "maxPacketSize": "0", "commLimitation": "nil", "friendlyName": "Edge 520 Plus", "downloadFileTypes": "", "unitID": "3325774184", "interfaceIdentifier": "6 bytes", "softwareVersion": "570", "configurationItems": "[0, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 53, 76]", "bluetoothLowEnergyIdentifier": "DC8F0CF2-AF55-0744-1348-8F1B40290158", "productName": "Edge 520 Plus", "supportsGFDIMessage5050": "false", "hasAnotherInterface": "true"]

    iOS Device - General
    Name iPhone Koudy
    Carrier Name T-Mobile CZ
    Language cs-CZ
    Region CZ
    Consent Country CZ

    iOS Device - System Information
    System Name iOS
    OS Version 14.8 (18H17)
    Device Family iPhone
    Model iPhone SE
    CPU arm64 2 cores
    Capacity 119.2 GB
    Available 90.3 GB
    Memory 2013 MB
    User Memory 1753 MB
    Free Memory 82 MB
    Used Memory 1716 MB

    ["productNumber": "3112", "maxPacketSize": "0", "commLimitation": "nil", "friendlyName": "Edge 520 Plus", "downloadFileTypes": "", "unitID": "3325774184", "interfaceIdentifier": "6 bytes", "softwareVersion": "570", "configurationItems": "[0, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 53, 76]", "bluetoothLowEnergyIdentifier": "DC8F0CF2-AF55-0744-1348-8F1B40290158", "productName": "Edge 520 Plus", "supportsGFDIMessage5050": "false", "hasAnotherInterface": "true"]

  • i have the same annoying. It suddenly stopped working. Maybe related to App update?

  • Yeh that seems most likely. I'm gonna raise a call with Garmin support - I just need to be home so I can get my serial number (although it's clearly not related to a specific device)

  • i'm using iPhone + Edge 320+

  • What bluetooth can be problem with this?

  • its not related to bluetooth. the app shows all know devices no matter if they are currently connected or not

  • I have the same problem after latest App update (iPhone XS and Edge 520Plus
