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Intensity minutes not tracking correctly, and randomly adding minutes


Since a recent update intensity minutes have changed, it used to work fine showing the correct amount of minutes for each exercise. 
Now it does not show the correct activity minutes for each activity and randomly adds minutes during the day when my heart rate is low. 

My workouts are based on my heart rate so I will spend between 30-50 minutes with my heart rate above 150bpm. Now it displays less than the time I’ve worked out and gives me extra when I’m doing nothing. 

Any ideas?  Has anyone else experienced this?


  • Intensity minutes is not just awarded for activitites. It is looking at your heart rate all day long. 

    Here is the support page:

    Have you checked the setting for intensity minutes? Is it automatic or based on heart rate zones?

  • I’ve been using the watch (Fenix 5 Plus) for a few years now and not had any issues, and haven’t changed my routines. 

    I have checked my heart rate zones - zone 4 starts at 150 bpm, and my heart rate today hasn’t gone above 121 but I’ve been awarded 72 intensity minutes - only been moving things around the house and been shopping - definitely not intense. 

    I have attached my read outs from today…

  • What is the setting for intensity minutes? It is a setting for the device and probably on the page "Activity Tracking".

    You can also get intensity minutes if you are walking even if your heart rate is not elevated enough.

    "Frequency of steps: analyzing the number of steps per minute you are taking. For example, you can earn intensity minutes credit once a brisk walk or running is detected.
    If no heart rate sensor is present, only Moderate Intensity minutes will be credited"

    Check how many steps you took around 10:00 and between 13:00 and 14:30. Maybe you took a walk at that time.

  • My IM is also went haywire. I have been using my Venu for coming 2 years and on other Fenix. IM always tracked correctly after every workout. It started on Aug that my IM is incorrect. Even after 1.5hrs of intense skate session with average HR above 140bpm. It can show up as 10-12mins IM. Completely different from previous. For the same workout pattern which I have not changed for years, my weekly IM is definitely above 300mins not it’s barely hitting 100mins.

  • I found the fix to be my weight. I had garmin linked with MyFitnessPal and had updated my weight and this effected my IM. So I adjusted my weight back and it’s been fine since. 

  • Exact same thing here. Did yours ever get fixed?

  • Exact same thing here. Did yours ever get fixed?

    I do not think there is anything that needs to be fixed. In the standard configuration, you are getting awarded Intensity Minutes whenever your HR is above approx. 150% of your Resting HR, and you get the Vigorous IMs when the HR is around double of the Resting HR. If you see that the rate of IMs changed, it is quite probably because your Resting HR changed.

    In the example shown on the screenshot in this thread, the Resting HR is 38 bpm, which means that the IM start to increase whenever during the day the HR is above ~60 bpm. At older devices, there is an additional condition of having to be above the threshold for at least 10 continuous minutes. This condition was abandoned at newer devices.

    How Does the Intensity Minutes Feature Work? | Garmin Customer Support

  • Well sometimes during a vigorous bike ride of 62 minutes I’m getting 0 minutes and then sometimes I’m getting 24 minutes or 28 minutes. Yesterday I went 87 minutes with my hr in zone 3 and 4 THE WHOLE RIDE and ended up getting 39 minutes. Now here is what is strange, I go on 10 minutes walks after breakfast, lunch and dinner and will get 10 intensity minutes after each walk. My hr elevates only minimally. Something is wrong here. Something does need to be fixed. This has happened since my garmin connect was upgraded. 

  • Please post the daily HR graphs for both concerned days

  • Hi

    I have the same issues but it seems heart rate limits are ok. So the issue looks different than others. I did 45min of spinning with high intensity and got only few intensity minutes.

    I have Egde 530 and Venu2. This exercise was recorded with Edge. I don’t think I have had same issues before…

    Sometimes there has been some but after few syncs it’s been solved.

    Any advice what could be the issue?