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Intensity minutes not tracking correctly, and randomly adding minutes


Since a recent update intensity minutes have changed, it used to work fine showing the correct amount of minutes for each exercise. 
Now it does not show the correct activity minutes for each activity and randomly adds minutes during the day when my heart rate is low. 

My workouts are based on my heart rate so I will spend between 30-50 minutes with my heart rate above 150bpm. Now it displays less than the time I’ve worked out and gives me extra when I’m doing nothing. 

Any ideas?  Has anyone else experienced this?


  • How did you log the heart rate during the spinning? Was it high enough? 

  • I have Egde 530 and Venu2. This exercise was recorded with Edge.

    Edge 530 does not support the feature of Intensity Minutes. You have to wear your Venu in the same time, in order to have the minutes counted, and you should also connect the Venu to the HRM belt that you use with Edge (yes, it can be connected to both of them  simultaneously).

  • Thanks for the response. Actually I was wearing Venu2 on the same time but did not record the exercise with it. Anyhow, I think it was worked previously. Could it just be that the Venu was too loose on my wrist? But it was the same than always before…

  • I recorded heart rate with Edge and HR band and the data is correct. When I look the activity details, it has average HR in 151 but only some 3 intensity minutes

  • If you want that Venu has the same HR data as the Edge, you need to have the HRM connected with both of them, and record the activity also on Venu. The HRM belt is used only when you record an activity. At the end you can discard the activity on Venu instead of saving.

    Also note, that if you use a separate HR Zone table for Cycling, and a have different values in the global HRZ table, then when not recording any cycling activity with Venu, the watch will use the global HRZ table for the IM calculation.

  • I recorded heart rate with Edge and HR band and the data is correct. When I look the activity details, it has average HR in 151 but only some 3 intensity minutes

    Yes, but that's the data from Edge. And as I told, Edge does not process any Intensity Minutes. Those come from Venu, and for Venu, you have to check the all-day HR graph instead of the one in the activity. It may differ, since it did not use the same sensor.

  • I didn’t record the activity with Venu. I have not done in any time earlier. Does it really require you that? 
    really don’t recall anytime doing that earlier. I had Venu last summer and now Venu2.

  • You do not need to record the activity with Venu, but if you do not record it with Venu, Venu will calculate the IM using the internal wrist HR sensor, which may differ significantly from the HRM strap, and it will use the general HRZ table, instead of the cycling HRZ table (if you have both of them in your settings).

  • This is a real problem.  My workout heart rate shows 30 straight minutes in the moderate intensity range but gave me 0 credit on my bike ride.  This has been problematic for about a week.

  • This is a real problem.  My workout heart rate shows 30 straight minutes in the moderate intensity range but gave me 0 credit on my bike ride.  This has been problematic for about a week.

    Keep your watch when cycling. You can also connect it to the HRNM strap, if you use one, and start an activity on the watch, discarding it at the end (to avoid duplicates with Edge). In that case, you do not even need to wear the watch, just keep it in the pocket, on the handle bar, or in the backpack.