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Unable to Sync after update to IOS 13.1.3

I have a Garmin Edge Explore and after upgrading my iPhone to ios 13.1.3 the Garmin is not automatically uploading to Garmin Connect anymore. Also manual upload does not work properly.

I have set the settings of the iPhone to the suggested settings but nothing works.

Garmin Connect app shows a green bullet to indicate it is connected to Edge Explore, but trying to sync is resulting in a red triangle indicating an error.

I use an iPhone X with ios 13.1.3

The Garmin Explore is on software version

  • not me me.. Sill a red icon next to the sync

  • had the same issue with the red exclamation mark. yesterday i disabled bluetooth on the iphone and started a manuel sync over wlan on the fr945. afterwards i saw the data also on the phone and  now also works on the phone via bluetooth. at least the last 3 times i tried it manually. before i only saw the actual heartbeat and sometimes the steps of the day. synching the fr via usb with garmin express on the mac didn't make a difference in the past.

  • did not fix it for me.

    All-day activity data (steps, stairs, stress etc.) syncs fine over BT as long as there's no recorded activities in the sync queue.

    Once I record an activity (Run, Strength etc.) the BT syncing stops working, and I need to sync via WiFi in order to transfer the activity.

    Once the activity is transferred via WiFi, I'm able to sync all-day data via BT again.

  • broken again. so it seems this was only a random success. all day date won't sync, the red ! shows up again

  • Me (& my wife's) also. Updated to latest version of Garmin Connect on iPhone XR, iPhone 11 & iPhone 11 Pro all running iOS 13.1.3 - sync errors on all of them. I can only upload activities via Garmin Connect website on my iMac. Frustrating & needs a solution please

  • Garmin-Blake or anyone from Garmin.  You have people getting really upset about this and mainly because there is absolutely no feedback from Garmin.

    Support is oblivious and I think they are frustrated as well.

  • Yes - we could do with a status update (and ideally a timeline)

  • What are they all doing in Garmin ffs, having a Tommy tank competition or summat? If this was Apple this kind of bug would have been fixed days ago, can you imagine 2 weeks of not being able to sync an Apple Watch? This company are utterly pathetic 

  • I also have the exact same issue: watch is paired with phone by activities don't sync. Marq Expedition.

  • The newest update has made things worse (Iphone 11 Pro, Forerunner 245, Garmin connect version 4.24.1). Previously at least my all-day data such as resting heart rate would sync, however now that doesn't sync either. I also have the red icon next to the sync button, and when I try and initiate a sync part of the white circle will fill and then get stuck for about 30 seconds, after which it will quickly go the rest of the way and flash green - however! don't be fooled, it appears this is the app telling you that it's given up seeing as nothing new actually gets synced. Temporary fixes such as restarting the app/phone/watch have also stopped working. Garmin can we actually get a response that isn't kicking the can down the road?