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Incorrect distance syncing to Apple health since last Connect update

Since I updated to the latest Garmin Connect ISO App yesterday, version 4.21, the distance data going to Apple Health is completely incorrect, in fact incorrect data for the last month back to 25th June was pushed to Apple Health, with 50-60km distance being synced for each day as per the screenshot below.

Steps data is correct, just the distance is incorrect, not sure what data this is, looks like the weekly total or something.

Anyone else seeing this error?

  • Hasn’t solved it for me I’m afraid - has it worked for anyone else? 

  • Yeah it's not fixed for me, the error is different now though, its not logging as much distance but still too much.

    So today for example, I have 14.2 km on my Garmin watch which is a combination of steps during the day and an 8km run.

    When I synced to Apple it sent 21.9km to Apple Health for some reason

  • Yes, it says a lot about Garmin's recent, worsening, inability to provide reliable software that I was surprised, bordering on shocked to read that this had actually been fixed. I was even more surprised when yesterday's distance recorded in Apple Health accurately.

    Today however that scepticism has been justified as currently Garmin Connect is reporting 8.1km distance, but has sent 15.4km to Apple Health. It has also changed the distance reported to Apple Health for Wednesday from 8.9km to 15.5km.

    Absolutely hopeless. Yet the silence continues. 

  • Not for me. Same values in GC and Health, even after syncing multiple times.

  • Yes and today mine is also fine, exactly the same in GC and Health. But then I didn't run today and I think that might be what threw it off yesterday. When I synced after updating to the new version it changed the last few weeks of data in Health and I have noticed that the days I didn't run the distance is correct, however on the days when I logged a run the distance is off, generally out by close to the distance of the run (but not exactly). So yeah, doesn't seem completely fixed to me at least.

  • For me fixed after last update

  • Baffling that it seems to have fixed it for some but not others. Even more baffling that it fixed it for me for a day but is now pushing incorrect data again. 

    Question; have you run since the fix? I only ask as the day it is right for me is the day I didn’t run. 

  • That's what I'm seeing too. For example, the data Garmin Connect has pushed to Apple Health for yesterday is 6.6km out from the distance reported in the app, but the run was 7.1km.

    It's exceptionally poor that this hasn't been fixed in the months since people started reporting it. But, frankly, Garmin's attitude is even more poor. On here they have a forum of highly engaged customers with which they could work to help resolve issues for the benefit of all their customers.

    It's telling that the representitives they have on the forums are very quick to jump on the notifications threads telling people it's an Apple issue (and, hypocritically, telling us to post feature requests to Apple) yet have ignored this and many other threads where Garmin has clearly failed. Honestly, if they're not going to engage constructively then they should just stay off the forums entirely or shut them down.

  • What you are seeing is what I am seeing. For the days I do not log a run the distance is now correct going to Apple Health, the days I log a run then the distance is inflated. Distance going to Apple seems to be increased by approximately the distance of the run (but not exactly). So looks like it's adding the run distance twice or something like that, I vaguely remember an issue a few years back with something similar.

    I am running today later so will run a test by syncing before the run and and then syncing again directly after and see what results get sent to Health

  • Exactly the same. Total registered distance in Apple Health is (walk + 2x running activitiy), at least for me.

    That’s why yesterday, not having run, I didn’t notice the bug.