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Incorrect distance syncing to Apple health since last Connect update

Since I updated to the latest Garmin Connect ISO App yesterday, version 4.21, the distance data going to Apple Health is completely incorrect, in fact incorrect data for the last month back to 25th June was pushed to Apple Health, with 50-60km distance being synced for each day as per the screenshot below.

Steps data is correct, just the distance is incorrect, not sure what data this is, looks like the weekly total or something.

Anyone else seeing this error?

  • Just to let Garmin know this is still a thing people are struggling with...

    ME TOO!

    When I wake up in the morning, I've already run between 9 and 13 miles, according to the data Garmin Connect exports to Apple Health. Un-possible. The historic data loaded into Apple Health goes even further back to BEFORE I OWNED MY WATCH!

    FYI: I'm using a Garmin Forerunner 45 (software version 3.00). I also have a Garmin Edge 130 (software version 3.40) linked to my account. I have an iPhone 8 running iOS 12.4.1 and my Garmin Connect app is version 4.22.2.

  • Same problem on my iPhone:, iPhone X 12.4.1. 

    Turn off the data source now and wait for the fix.

    Please fix it asap.  I think the fix for your engineers is trivial, but non trivial for users.

  • New version 4.23 does not fix this bug 

  • It truly amazes me that is not even a single reply from Garmin  on this issue!

  • I’m not that worried: Apple Watch series 5 just got always on display. Probably in a couple of years we’ll have multiple days of battery life and I’ll be more than happy to switch.

    It’s obvious Garmin doesn’t care about, or it’s not capable of, fixing basic Apple health integration issues. No other app I have is so bugged, and I have many of them which read or write a lot of data on Apple health.

  • You right, it looks like Garmin  doesn’t care at all. 

    I am just so sorry that I purchased a new 245M, as If I new about this bugs and specially this lack of help  from the manufacturer I would have changed brands already. 

  • If you go into Apple Health and only turn off the mileage tracking for Garmin, that will fix the issue.  It will still log your miles, just not through Garmin.  I hope this helps everyone.

  • Hi, Sorry that might be the answer for some people but this doesn't work for me. If I do this then I only get the miles logged when I have my phone with me. I wear my Garmin watch all the time and do not carry my phone whilst running for example so none of those miles will ever be counted unless I get them synced from Garmin

  • I was having the same issue too.  I was logging approximately 100+ miles per day.  I called Garmin with no results.  I went into Apple Health Sources for Garmin.  I turned off the ability for Garmin Connect to write data for walking and running distance.  This fixed the problem completely.  My phone still tracks the distance that I cover when I go out, but not from the watch.

    Hopefully, Garmin will realize the issue is on their side and figure out that they need to jump through another hoop in order to play nice with Apple.  Until then I hope this helps everyone.