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Incorrect distance syncing to Apple health since last Connect update

Since I updated to the latest Garmin Connect ISO App yesterday, version 4.21, the distance data going to Apple Health is completely incorrect, in fact incorrect data for the last month back to 25th June was pushed to Apple Health, with 50-60km distance being synced for each day as per the screenshot below.

Steps data is correct, just the distance is incorrect, not sure what data this is, looks like the weekly total or something.

Anyone else seeing this error?

  • Yes! I thought it was just me, it’s been driving me mad for days. It basically adds data in the future if you look at health, puts same distances every hour unless you actually do go out. And when I looked back through old health data, clicking on show all data and the date on all recorded data, it didn’t used to have a Garmin symbol? This has occurred to me since the start of July. In some fit of rage on Friday I think I deleted all Garmin stuff pre start of July on health. Trying to restore that but no matter.

  • Same here exactly, please fix Garmin!

  • Hello 

    i’ve got the same problem since june 25th. Between 120 And 150km per day. Waiting for a fix. Thanks. 

    Garmin 235 + iOS 12.1 + garmin connect

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago

    I've had the exact same problem and I just downgraded and tested couple of earlier versions with the same messy results. So it has to be something bigger than just the last garmin connect update.

    iPhone 7
    iOS 11.1.2

    The versions of Garmin Connect that I've tried;

    And 4.10

    All with the exact same results Disappointed

  • I must admit it had been a while since I updated the Connect App on my iPhone so I don’t know what my version was before I upgraded to 4.21. It certainly started for me from the moment I upgraded though. Never had any issues before and then the first sync after the update pushed all these huge distances to Apple Health back to June 25th and for each day since.

    i guess it’s possible they rolled something new out in the backend along with the 4.21 version though and so now any version of the Connect App will be affected.

  • same here... I also with the integration would be better with swim and biking distance, resting HR being synced 

  • Same Problem and it's a mess! If Garmin did figure a way to get mileage in while sleeping that is great. It's just not converting over yet to my losing weight. Last night I walked 19 miles while sledoing. 

    Garmin Fenix 3. Latest update. 

    iOS 12.3.1

  • Please Garmin, fix this.

    As what the others have reported, I am also getting distances clocked at times where I’m on my bed.

    Would appreciate a reply regarding this!

  • Yes, I’m getting about 100 mile per day added on my mileage total.  I was told the problem was on Apple’s side since they pull data from Garmin and Garmin does not push it to Apple.  However, that doesn’t make much sense to me.

  • I'm not sure whose side the issue is on but I logged this issue with Garmin Support and have been informed the following:

    'Our app developers are already working on the issue, thanks for being patient while we work on this.  Currently there is no ETA for a fix.'

    Sounds like it is on their side from that response