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Duplicate entries in Apple Health

I am on iOS 11 with the latest version of Garmin Connect. When looking in Apple Health I see lots of duplicate entries (same time and duration) from Garmin Connect in my activities. A quick Google shows people were having this issue back in 2015 but I've not seen any simple solution to stop it from happening and it is becoming more and more irritating.

I know Apple Health may not be the best application but I use it as a central repository.

Does anyone have a simple solution for this (other than buying an Apple Watch and using a Wahoo Tickr with the watch).



  • Does anyone know why my IOS GC (latest update) writes many double and wrong walking/running distances to my Apple Healthkit (IOS 13.5.1)?


    Yesterday I ran 9km, stayed at home the rest of the day. GC instead sends two entries to Healthkit totalling 45,5 km:

    • 22,4 km at 24 Jun 23:07:13
    • 23 km at 24 Jun 22:59:59

    All days I see these weird running/walking distances in Healthkit with GC being the source, but some totals are really exaggerated like 835km on 5 June, 1099km on 27 May and 1298km on 29 April. For 5 June I see for instance:

    • 15,1 km for 5 June 22:59:59, but added to Healthkit on 25 Jun 07:51:14
    • 4,6 km, also for 5 June 20:53:33 - 21:18:41, but added to Healthkit about 150 (!) times between 6 - 24 June
    • 0 cm, also for 5 June 17:56:29 - 17:59:29, but added to Healthkit about 150 (!) times between 6 - 24 June

  • Duplicate of the "duplicates" thread

    Merged threads. Thanks Thumbsup

  • Now they're blaming ios 14 Joy

    They're doing everything they can EXCEPT fixing the bugs

  • I think they fixed this. Duplicates are gone since the last update. For energy, for distance and floors everything is fine.

    Can anyone confirm?

  • Negative. I have a fenix 5 Plus, running iOS 14.2, and updated all apps a couple of days ago. Garmin Connect still transfers a single entry every evening one minute before midnight to Apple Health (and has done so for a very long time). The entry contains a walking+running distance I simple can't reconcile with any of my activities that given day.

    Seems the bug is still alive and thriving...

  • As of 09-DEC-2020, Garmin Connect iOS in Apple Health now:

    1/ adds new entry for last 25 days

    2/ new entry added on every sync, forced OR timed

    3/ Deleted all Garmin Connect generated data older than 50 days (prior to 23-OCT-2020) even though those data were in Apple Health already.

    System info:

    - Garmin Connect

    - iOS 14.2

    - last nuke/pave 12-NOV-2020

    - issue noticed 09-DEC-2020 ~ 06:00 USA EST

  • Same system, same issue. 

  • Is there any combination that works?    I played with Connect -> Strava  then Strava -> Health.  I've got some testing to do on that.

    It seems like maybe I just have to give up on the health integration and maybe just use my Apple Watch in cycling mode and then get Connect -> Strava going.