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Health app not syncing correctly

Hi All,
I'm having an issue with the health app and my steps taken in Garmin connect. An example is the health showed 14k steps, in contrast to my Fenix 3 which displayed 18k steps. Is there a way to have the health app reflect the steps from the Garmin?
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 8 years ago
    Sync problems under last Connect update

    Not sure if I'm right, but it seems that everything is syncing OK during the day, but at midnight most of the values disappear (namely distance, floors, energy - both resting and active...). Still remain steps, sleep time and HR :(

    Anyone with same problem?

    I have a Fenix 3 HR
  • Not sure if I'm right, but it seems that everything is syncing OK during the day, but at midnight most of the values disappear (namely distance, floors, energy - both resting and active...). Still remain steps, sleep time and HR :(

    Yep same here. Also, GC doesn't seem to be reading my weight from the health app.

    Bugs all-round.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 8 years ago

    Health APP could be helpful in more medical clinical trails.
  • Mine synced all historical data 2 days ago but nothing since.
  • Mine synced all historical data 2 days ago but nothing since.

    This is what I'm seeing as well.
  • SO far mine is wildly inconsistent whether steps get sent to apple health or not.

    It would be nice to have a force sync option.

    And FWIW one of the things I use is step tracking integrating with apple health so it can integrate with my insurance program, which gives incentives for hitting exercise goals. So it's sort of poor that previously working functionality just doesn't work any longer.
  • Not sure if I'm right, but it seems that everything is syncing OK during the day, but at midnight most of the values disappear (namely distance, floors, energy - both resting and active...). Still remain steps, sleep time and HR :(

    Anyone with same problem?

    I have a Fenix 3 HR

    Same thing for me. I don't keep an eye on all those things individually just the combed 'Walking+Running Distance' stat. It was writing everything twice for day, then it became the total 3-4 times, now it writes it once at midnight and then later deletes it.
  • And then, after not writing anything for several days, it wrote data for several days all at once last night at about 10:30.

  • And then, after not writing anything for several days, it wrote data for several days all at once last night at about 10:30.


    Yeah, that's the problem. It very inconsistently pushes data to the Health app, e.g. heart rate - typically since Connect 3.5 and VSHR it will only push at end of day, but today for whatever reason it sent it mid-day. :confused:
  • 600 ahad

    Weight syncing not working for me either. I have Health app (iPhone 6) set so GC can only read weight data and not write it but it hasn't ever read any weight data from Health app. Tried allowing GC to write weight data but that didn't help either in reading the weight data from Health.