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Garmin Connect Mobile Ideas and Suggestions

Have an idea that would improve the Garmin Connect Mobile application? We would love to hear from you! Please use the Garmin Connect Mobile Ideas and Suggestions thread to submit your ideas, suggestions, and recommendations related to the Garmin Connect Mobile app. Thank you very much!
  • I would like the lower distance badges to be repeatable in running and cycling.  The way I see it is if someone runs 5k's every day then that person deserves to be like lvl 99, and if I  only run 4 a year I deserve to be lower.  However under the current system we would theoretically be the same lvl which is obviously not the case in real life lol.

  • I would like lower distance badges to be repeatable.  The way I see it is if I bump into someone who is lvl 99 i can be like dang they run/cycle all the time and me only lvl 20 cuz I only do a 5k every now and then.

  • 1) Rowing, rowing, rowing, rowing. I bought my Forerunner 235 for VO2 Max and found out it only calculates it if you run.

    2) Instead of simple weight goals, how about a Body Fat goal? I'm far more interested in hitting 17% body fat than I am what weight that occurs at.

    3) Goals and Training plans only support running and cycling. Please consider adding rowing. (See #1) 

  • I'd like the sport basketball added to the options. Can't always wear the watch on the court, but I do like to log the exercise.

  • I am in an area with poor cell phone coverage, and often travel overseas and basically have no cell coverage at those times. In cases like these, my watch (FR245) is totally unable to offload a completed workout. Eventually the watch would fill up and presumably lose data or not record new data if I were overseas for an extended period without my cell phone coverage.

    • The solution I'd like best is for the Connect App to work mostly from data stored locally on the phone, updating the cloud when conditions allowed. Syncing the cloud to the phone, instead of vice-versa, would also let me look at previous history on the phone without needing internet. Data from different devices could still be synced into the phone so that the phone would still maintain a complete record that could be browsed
    • The next best solution, in case using local data was not acceptable, would be to sync watch data into the phone regardless of internet coverage, storing workout data on the phone temporarily. It could collect that data on the phone as long as needed until conditions allowed Connect to upload that data to the cloud.

    Right now, the behavior is for no sync or data movement to happen at all if there is no internet connection, not even to free up space in the watch. The current behavior is rather bad.

  • Dear sir,,

    i hope garmin connect mobile add "export gpx" or "save as course", this 2 feature available at garmin connect window version unlikely no happen at android version.


  • Hi I would like to know why the vo2 max does record while doing indoor activities

  • why the vo2 max does record while doing indoor activities

    Please post your question in a matching thread, or create a new one. I would answer here, but do not want to clutter the already quite huge thread for ideas and suggestions, with an off-topic discussion. In brief, it depends on the watch model. Some do it, others don't. More about it here

    Otherwise, generally, for people posting to this thread, although it is certainly interesting to see what people are looking for, it is uncertain whether at all this thread is monitored by Garmin. A better way to submit suggestions and ideas is by using this form:

  • Hey! Glad to see this thread get bumped. Minor changes to the Connect Mobile app could make a world of difference to the user-experience. (UX) Bullet-points for brevity:

    • Allow "notifications" tab to be removed.
    • Allow "distance in kilometers, weight in pounds" (Canada, and many other countries)
    • Direct connection to Concept2 indoor rower PM5. It has a precise power-meter built in and would take minimal engineering by Garmin as Concept2 is very supportive of connectivity. (ANT+, BTLE) This would facilitate VO2max and precise row data for Indoor Rowing. (see the "ErgIQ" ConnectIQ app for a third-party doing this already - but it should be native)
    • Training Load & Training Load Focus card for MyDay. (independent of "Training Status")
    • Allow more sport types on the left menu - I want to quickly see my rowing, SUP boarding etc

    There's more, but those would be major wins.

  • iIt will be cool to add OSM Maps to create courses.