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Does anyone like the layout of beta web page?

I dislike the new home screen on the web,  I was told that I can not go back to the classic design.  I submitted my complaint to the developers though Chat.  Anyone else submitted negative feedback?

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  • Pure crap design, I am wonder who and how decided to introduce this new "look" ... what was  presented on single screen in few rows  is now replaced by some screen with one or two data and  for more ...needs scrolling...crap ;-))

    it is now much easier to find all intteresting data on e.g  955 screen than in GC app ;-))

    Congrats UI/UX designers :-)) how did you manage to destroy this. ;-))

  • We need an option to go back or my only option will be to change brands


  • We need an option to go back to the original, otherwise the only option will be to change brands.  

    Try getting input from the people that pay the bills before you change stuff.

  • Yes - I like the new layout. Some tweaks still needed, but it's a good design. 

  • No, l am pist off Ragethat Garmin force this update out without give the an option to keep the old layout 

  • I work in a tech design environment and the focus should be on the user giving them a good customer experience and making their journey easier. The focus of these Garmin updates seems to be just mess it up and make it ***. Both the mobile and web apps have a much reduced customer experience. If they're using UXers they should sack them and get someone qualified in and if they're not using UXers they should get some in. Until then, they should allow us to use the classic (good) design.

  • Yes, it's horrible! The previous layout was more practical. New layout SUCKS! And no way to change back, SMH

  • It's so much worse than the previous version. The at-a-glanc tiles somehow take up more space on the screen than before,  but show less information. It's like a dumbed- down version that looks more bland and provides less info. 

    All the data used to be in one place,  now you have to click through tiles to see it. No one wants to do extra work to view the same data that was previously available without the extra steps. 

    Who cares if beta users got used to it, it doesn't mean it's an improvement at all. It just means they're not good beta testers or devs don't listen to feedback. The old version was fine, they made it worse for no good reason. When it comes to seeing your health and fitness stats, less is not more guys. 

    A lot of people are clearly unhappy, if they want to improve our user experience, they should revert back to the previous version. It was actually better than what we're stuck with now. 

  • Geezus, well stated! Totally agree with you.

  • The old screen was much better.... Summary information on one page  at a glance, instead of scrolling through boxes. The old screen enabled one to click easily see an individual subject ( e.g. sleep), click on that subject to get further data. The new designs was not well thought out. You have to scroll through a bunch boxes to get to subject you're interested in. Go back to former summary page or at least add as an option.