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Does anyone like the layout of beta web page?

I dislike the new home screen on the web,  I was told that I can not go back to the classic design.  I submitted my complaint to the developers though Chat.  Anyone else submitted negative feedback?

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  • Hi. I think it is much worse than it was too. Don't think you will persuade them to go back though!

  • This is the new interface that many of us have been running for months so it is unlikely it will change back. It can be improved of course. What are you missing? 

  • What are you missing? 

    Actual fixes and improvements instead of making it less useful. 

    Who thought it’s a good idea to have the same interface on mobile and web? Phone is a small low res screen mostly in portrait orientation, Desktop is large high resolution screen in landscape orientation. Why on earth would I want them to show the same things, this is just dumb.

    You need to add an option to keep the “overview” open, having to enlarge it manually every time is a step back (on the phone and desktop). Also keep “focus” and “overview” open on the, there is enough space, no reason to collapse/scroll it (you could make that optional for low res desktop devices or phones, but on my 4k 40” screen this just looks stupid with that much wasted/dead space to the left and right. Who is designing this? Old web interface was able to show everything without needing to click something open, this is a huge step back.

    Dividing statistics in “focus” and “overview is dumb, I want to view them all at once (on desktop), not switch between those too.

    Where is (on Desktop):

    - the last activities list (used to show 10 entries)

    - where is the calendar

    - 7 day steps graph

    - heartrate graph with activity icons 

    - badges

    - solar intensity

  • It looks like the values in Home is more focused on the current values instead of the historic values and values that don't change fast. Those other values can be found if you click a stat or a menu.

  • This sucks!  Can I go back to the old format?

  • Only way is to install an old APK from one of the APK download sites. Note that eventually you will likely need to install the new version to make everything work when new functions come.

  • Worse of all. Is there a way to go back to the previous look?

  • Worse of all. Is there a way to go back to the previous look?

  • Much worse than before

  • I am going to. They should have left well enough alone. Less efficient way to check my stats.