How do you view your heart rate zones in Garmin Connect?

Hi all,

I used to be able to view my Heart Rate zones in the Garmin Connect app. When I say view I mean for each zone it showed the minimum and maximum heart rates. 

However now when I go to the heart rate zones screen it no longer shows the minimum and maximum BPMs for each zone. 

I can’t find anywhere in the app now where it shows the zone BPMs. 

Can anyone help? I’ve included a screenshot below which shows what I’m seeing in the app. Previously on this screen it showed the minimum and maximum per zone.

  • I do have the values there. Try resetting the zones (the bottom option)

  • Awesome - resetting the zones has sorted it. 
    Many thanks!

  • Could you say where you find that screen?

  • Could you say where you find that screen?

    It depends on the watch model you have, but on my watch, HR Zones are in Device Settings »  User Profile » Heart Rate & Power Zones » Heat Rate » Zones

  • Yes. I've tried it on my watch and clicking the reset button didn't display the heart rate zone figures. It continued to display the percentages. I wondered if doing it in the app might fix the problem, as described above. 

  • I've found it in the app and resetting the values there doesn't work either. Maybe they changed it with the new interface.

  • I've tried it on my watch and clicking the reset button didn't display the heart rate zone figures.

    Again, it depends on the watch model you own. Tables based on the percentage of a base value (Max HR, LTHR, HRR), show indeed only the percentage values (though on some older models, the absolute values were shown too), since the absolute values in BMP are dynamic, and change as the base value changes. The value in bmp will then differ at individual activities, so for many users the absolute values were confusing.

    If you want to enter absolute values in bmp, then you have to select BMP as the base value. But again, this base value is not available on all models.

  • Thanks. I have forerunner 265. I see that changing the 'Based On' value to BMP will display the values. 

    I don't really see how it would be confusing to display them time. It could display the value in parentheses next to each zone.  For example, if  'based on' is set to maxhr%, it could show

    %max HR(170 bpm)

    Maximum (Z5)

    90-100% (163-170 bpm)


  • I don't really see how it would be confusing to display them time. It could display the value in parentheses next to each zone.

    More or less I agree, at least as far as the user understands how it works.  Unfortunately, people when they see for example that they set the Max HR based Z5 to 163-170 bpm, and the HR Zone at their next activity shows  Z5 at 170-189, because their Max HR changed, they tend to call the Support and complain that their watch malfunctions.

    And, of course, Garmin tries to do everything to limit the number of Support cases, to limit the costs. By allowing and displaying only the relative percentages, it is clearly shown that the values are relative (unless you select the BPM basis), hence the likelihood that the users will call the support is lesser.

    On the other hand, this change backfired to Garmin, because now people like you complain why it is not there, so in fact it is questionable whether they really managed to reduce the number of Support cases. Only Garmin knows. Wink

  • Right, but it's not very satisfactory for them to remove the display of basic data from expensive equipment just to avoid support calls. It's not like heart rate zones are some obscure unused metric. They're fundamental to the many activities, I'd guess the majority of activities tracked by Garmin equipment.