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v4.70 App Changes

Please bring back the 3 circle preformance stats. I loved the former dashboard

  • Screen on finished workouts all used to look like upper picture, now they all switched to lower picture over night. Bug in the latest update? Anyone else have this issue. App,phone, and watch are all up to date. Did a restart, no change. Using the Forerunner 255 music and Android phone. Looked for settings and didn't see anything for this problem. Confused 

  • I noticed a change in display for cycling workout.  Summary used to show stats at top and map of ride below.  Could grab it all with a screenshot.  Also listed your name at the top.  Now it shows map at top, stats below, and not all stats are visible unless you scroll down which chops off the top of the map.  And now your name is not displayed.

    If this was an intentional change it sucks.

  • If it ain't broke don't fix it.  Map at top, not all stats in view without scrolling down which then chops off the top of the map.  And name no longer displayed at top.  

    Someone screwed up, the display sucks now.




    1. Can you please help add total ascent back to the running activity overview tab??  Runners care most about total time, avg pace and total ascent. Why would Garmin choose to remove total ascent and keep total calories??  It's annoying having to scroll through stats to see the ascent of someone's run!
  • How to get back to the "old fashion" activity main screen in Garmin Connect. The one with the data circles above the small map

  • This new design is simply boring. Give us the 3 circles back. 

  • This new "design" sucks. And put that calorie in the bin, useless stat.

  • Please bring back the previous layout, notifications in the top left is of no interest to me, now have to mess around to find basic functions ..

  • This design change is a step backwards, also I loved to add photos  as a background of the 3 circle stats.

  • Who decided to make these changes for the worse?

    I can't believe it.

    Strava syncs happen hours later. The main activity screen is a mess and misses important metrics. The main menu is only accessible from below. I never needed notifications that are now top left. And some fonts are too small, gray on a black background, and almost illegible (eg the equipment overview).That's simply an ergonomic desaster.

    You pay thousand bucks, but the software quality is way below average.

    Garmin should learn from POLAR, their mobile and web apps are by far ergonomically and aesthetically better.