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My garmin connect for fitness age no longer shows vigorous days even though I log plenty of minutes per week

  1. My garmin connect for fitness age no longer shows vigorous days even though I log plenty of minutes per week
  • I cycled for two hours on Tuesday and elliptical for 25 minutes today. I know I average at least 3 days per week. Something seems off

  • I cycled for two hours on Tuesday and elliptical for 25 minutes today. I know I average at least 3 days per week. Something seems off

    And how many vigorous minutes did you earn for that activity?

  • And the cycling

  • You need some vigorous minutes minimally 3 days in a week (resp. a 3 days per week in average in the last 4 weeks). I believe the minimum is something like 15 or 20 vigorous minutes in a day, perhaps even 30 (cannot find the reference right now) in order to have that day counted as vigorous. How many days with a considerable number of vigorous minutes did you have in the last 4 weeks? So far you showed two activities, but it is not even visible whether they were not on the same day.

  • If shows 0 days. Even if this is just one day, it's shouldn't be showing 0

  • It is just definitely more than 0.  Also, it was working correctly until about 2 days ago

  • If shows 0 days. Even if this is just one day, it's shouldn't be showing 0

    It shows the average of 0 vigorous weekly days in 4 weeks, so if you had 1 or 2 vigorous days in the last week, and zero in the previous ones, then the average would still be lower than one, hence could be rounded down to zero.

    The exercise load tells nothing about the number of vigorous minutes you gained during the concerned 4 weeks, since the criteria for the exercise load differ quite a bit from those for vigorous intensity minutes. You have to review your IM data for the past weeks. If you find you regularly earned a sufficient number of vigorous intensity minutes for minimally 3 days each of the four weeks, then I recommend contacting the Support and having them investigating it.

  • I'm having the exact same problem and I work out regularly (at least 4 days a week) every week. This happened overnight, everything was fine yesterday. Now all of a sudden it's showing zero. There's definitely something wrong, any help from Garmin would be appreciated. 

  • Now all of a sudden it's showing zero. There's definitely something wrong

    If the data disappeared overnight, then one of possibilities is that you are using two accounts (that happens quite often unintentionally). I recommend soft-resetting the watch, then removing it from Garmin Connect, signing out, then signing back in, and waiting a day or two to see whether it helped. Better yet, you should remove/re-add the device in this way from GC app, GC web, and from Garmin Express as well. More detailed instructions here:

    Data is Missing from My Garmin Connect Account After Syncing | Garmin Customer Support 

    any help from Garmin would be appreciated. 

    For that you need to contact them directly through Here on the user forum the chance to get any help from the staff is pretty low.