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Stress level while sleeping

I'm curious why I have extremely high-stress levels while sleeping especially just after I fall asleep and before I wake up.

My Garmin Vivosmart records some deep sleep, with almost the same amount of REM at night.

It seems like while in deep sleep and REM I have very high-stress.

Should I be worried?

  • "Stress" as I've read doesn't just mean "stressed out" or stressful life. It can include strain... like recovering from a hard workout. But I've worked on this... if I drink a single glass of wine: orange lines. Eat dinner later than 7PM: orange lines. Eat a really heavy dinner (I'm a low carb kinda gal): orange lines. On my laptop or phone later in the evening; orange lines. I changed those things: no orange lines at all. And I do think stress is highly weighted in the score, so my scores have gone up as well. The good news is they're all things we can easily change.

  • This look like mine I suspect I have cortisol issues 

  • I'm interested to hear if your is cortisol or not.   I suspect my wife's is as well.   She recently got a Garmin after listening to me talk about stress and body battery, etc.   Hers is high all night and she doesn't sleep well or feel rested in the morning.   

  • Mine is back to normal ever since the latest update . Last couple weeks during the holiday though , stress level during sleep was high again but I've figured it out it's due to overeat and not keeping my nutrition in check.  

    Back to normal since holiday is over , watching what I eat and not overeat also not eating too close to bedtime . At least 2 to 3 hours before bedtime. 

  • Ii upgraded from this device to another though probably the same technology. In first google search I wasn’t successful in finding an answer.

    a few things I started to do the simple changes  of what could be causing me to have tired feeling even though I had slept. many of  already ruled out  reduced coffee, sugar, wine (was only having 6 ounces) chocolate & blue light  hours before sleep getting on a regular schedule.

    i took the Rx short term you could try CBT to get to a non drug solution & use occasionally 

    this is not pure insomnia but prob a new type of sleep disorderr? 
    Pinpointed to what I watched on Netflix or HBO  before bed love those high adventure fast moving Keeping you on edge type genre. 

    I noticed when I didn’t watch the amount of sleep stress reduced. Also I heard the news isn’t great either.

    best of luck to all.

  • I dealt with this a long time, now with the 245 garmin.  I'm convinced tat the app reads active dreaming as stress.  There is also an element of Fight or Flight and cortisol occurring.  But bottom line, the watch isn't up to its task.

  • Thank you. I’m discovering weight gain is not just from muscle mass but also I’m eating more than burning to remain at ideal weight w being over 60 the metabolism slow down has finally caught up w me. Your answer will help me focus more on eating fewer nuts & cheese & watch calories & maybe sleep better by not worrying about sleep! 

  • I have been wondering the same thing however I have been tracking stuff with my Garmin for quite a while now and I noticed that if I'm starting to get sick or if I'm sick it will stay stressed all night long and I will get no blue. Even if I feel okay but have a little sinus infection. Also if I eat sodium processed foods MSG or eat a little too much I will stay stressed all night long. But if I stay away from processed foods fast food and eat a little bit lower fat or healthy fat and nothing but vegetables and lean meats my stress level is perfect. Because I don't drink alcohol I have one cup of half calf in the morning I exercise three times a week and I eat fairly healthy. Except my blood sugar does run a little bit high and I'm wondering if that is doing it. But I have definitely found a correlation with what I eat and my sleep stress

  • I have been wondering the same thing however I have been tracking stuff with my Garmin for quite a while now and I noticed that if I'm starting to get sick or if I'm sick it will stay stressed all night long and I will get no blue. Even if I feel okay but have a little sinus infection. Also if I eat sodium processed foods MSG or eat a little too much I will stay stressed all night long. But if I stay away from processed foods fast food and eat a little bit lower fat or healthy fat and nothing but vegetables and lean meats my stress level is perfect. Because I don't drink alcohol I have one cup of half calf in the morning I exercise three times a week and I eat fairly healthy. Except my blood sugar does run a little bit high and I'm wondering if that is doing it. But I have definitely found a correlation with what I eat and my sleep stress