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Heart Rate Zones bar chart

I have a Garmin Swim2 watch. Using Connect Android app. The "Time In Heart Rate Zones " shows properly for swim activities, but shows erroneous zones for running and bicycling activities. Anyone know how to fix this?

  • Did you check the HR Zone settings in User Setting of Garmin Connect and on the watch - do they match each other? Do you use a single HR Zone setting, or mutiple profiles for different disciplines?

  • Hi trux,  Thank you for such a quick reply.

    Yes, the HR Zone settings are the same in Connect and on the watch.  All disciplines ("activities") have the same profile.  Actually, I can only enter maximum heart rate.  I cannot find any menu entry, either on the watch or in Connect, to enter a profile.  After I enter the maximum heart rate, it uses this for swimming activities to calculate 5 zones:80-95, 96-111, 112-127, 128-143, >L144,   For running and bicycling, it displays the graph with zones 1-4 159-160, and zone 5 >160.

    Connect is version 4.36, build version code 5636, running on Android 8.0.0.

    Watch is Swim 2, with software version 2.40.

    With an earlier version, I believe it was possible to set custom zones, but the bar graph was never right for running and bicycling.

    Example of display for Open Water Swimming:

    Example of display for Running

    It would seem to be a simple enough task to fix this?  Simply place the heart rate data into the graph just as was done while swimming.  It almost seems that one would have to go out of ones way to make two separate plotting routines, one the works correctly, and one that does not.  What is that good for?

    Anyhow, glad to hear if there is some sort of fix, workaround, or setting for running and biking that I could not find.

    Best Regards,


  • the HR Zone settings are the same in Connect and on the watch.
    I cannot find any menu entry, either on the watch or in Connect, to enter a profile.

    Hm, if you cannot find the menu with HR Zones, how do you know they are the same on the watch and in Garmin Connect?

    HR Zones, in Garmin Connect, are in Device Settings » User Settings » Heart Rate Zones. On the watch, it may vary from model to model, so you best consult the user manual for your device. Typically, though, it is in Settings » User Settings.

    It would seem to be a simple enough task to fix this?

    Yes, it indeed is. Just set up your HR Zones correctly. You can either have separate HR Zone profile for each discipline (Swim, Run, Bike) or have just a single one for all disciplines. However, since you did not show the screenshot of your HR Zone profiles, it is not easy to tell you what exactly is wrong with your set up. Most likely you have separate profiles for each discipline, but the ones for running and cycling are not set up correctly.

  • Thanks again for your reply.  You are misunderstanding what I wrote, so I will clarify.  I entered the same Max Heart Rate on both the watch and on the Connect, so they should be the same.  On the Swim2 watch, I cannot find any way to enter a Profile for the Heart Rate...only a Maximum Heart Rate.  On the Connect side, I entered the same Max Heart Rate, and it automatically calculates the profile.  Connect maybe allows custom change to the details of the heart rate profile, but I did not do this.

    This is the screen shot of HR Zone profiles you mention:

    So you see, it is the same on the watch and on Connect.

    In any case, I perform Sync, so this should make the settings the same.

    The real problem I think is that Connect does not have a way to enter settings for Run or Bike, only for Swim  So it is still a bug in the Garmin software, a serious one at that, that needs to be fixed? 

    You are correct, I believe, that there are separate profiles for each discipline, and the ones for Run and Bike are set up incorrectly.  Unfortunately, Connect has no way to enter the ones for Run and Bike.  If you were to actually try this with a Swim2 watch, you would see this, as a number of other disappointed users have mentioned.

  • Yes, but the screenshot you just posted is a HR Zone profile specifically for Swimming only (see the Swim symbol at the top). As far as I understood, you have problems with HRZ at Cycling and Running. Do you have the same setting in those profiles too?

    If you cannot access them by swiping the page to the left or right, try it through Garmin Connect Web (in Device Settings » User Settings). If the global setting for HRZ, and the Run/Bike profiels are missing there too, then the Swim 2 probably does not support HRZ other than for swimming. You'd better ask other users in the Swim 2 forum - unlike here on the GCM Android forum, the visitors there are all familiar with your watch model, and can certainly advise you better.

  • Well, I checked the Swim 2 forum, and found the following thread. It looks like Run / Bike HR Zones are indeed not available for the Swim 2 watch:

  • As a workaround, you could try recording the Run and Bike activities with the Swim profile, and then changing the activity type ro Run or Bike later in Garmin Connect. I think it would keep the Swim HR Zone. Well, it has other disatvantages - like the unadequate screens on the watch during the activity, and perhaps some missing data like the Run Dynamics, but you have to test it, to see whether it is usable in that way or not.