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After last update, cannot synchronize the watch with the application. Need Help!

  • After the last update, I cannot synchronize my watch with the Garmin Connect application. My watch does show me the activities but it didn't synch my steps, heart rate during the day, and other stuff like for example sleeping...
  • I tried every single method how to connect to the application (removing the device from the app, Bluetooth, etc)...nothing worked. Can you help me please?
  • My phone: Samsung Galaxy S7
  • My watch: Forerunner 45
  • zmizely z aplikace connect karty tepu a spánku,

    A co vidíš když vlezeš na obrazovku tepu a spánku přes menu? Jsou tam nějaká data, nebo chybí? Pokud chybí, tak máš hodinky propojeny s více účty. Musíš všechno odpojit a připojit znova. Podrobný návod už byl v tomoto vlákně jednou uveden:  Data is Missing from My Garmin Account After Syncing

  • Dear Trux, your arrogance is uncanny. I too seem to have the same sync issue with my forerunner 935 which started 2 days ago. Nothing was changed with my device nor my phone. Last succesful sync was Sat 17 Oct 2020, 01:00 (v4.35.1) then same day a few hours later (10.11 with v 4.36) I get upload status failed.. Even today (Mon 19 Oct 2020, 09:08 with v 4.36.2) I am still getting upload status FAILED. Can you still tell me this is not a sync issue with the mobile app?

  • I've the same issue with my FR245 since v4.36. 

    Nothing changed in the meanwhile ... some other users are also complaining about this, see discussion on the topic dedicated to FR245 

    Some suggest a factory reset but needless to say I'm quite reluctant. 

    As a workaround you can sync with Garmin Express on PC, this worked (at least for me).  

  • Dear Trux, your arrogance is uncanny.

    Could you tell me where exactly have I been arrogant? I'll gladly try to avoid it the next time I am offering a helping hand to fellow users. I know nothing about your specific case, since I do not see any post from you in this thread, but I certainly tried to give my best advices to everyone who posted here, according to the symptoms they described. Sorry if nothing of it fits your case.

  • I had the same issue after update the app to 4.36.x In my case, the steps, heart rate, etc still shows the data if go to their detail page but not reflected in main page. Syncing the watch using Garmin Express (USB) is no issues. So not sure why andriod app shows sync failed while most data that im aware is got sync. 

    After checking in detail the web, apparently the Pulse Ox and Respiration data under sleep category is missing since i updated the app. But if i go to their respective menu/category, both Pulse Ox and Respiration data is available for the missing date under sleep menu. Strange.

     After tried several method, reverting the app to version 4.35.x is solved the issue - at least the sync goes 1 full circle and complete. 

  • Latest update of Connect to version 4.36.3 this morning solved the issue here (FR245, Samsung A6 running Android 10). 

  • Yes! Installing the older version 4.35 works! Thank you for your help! Slight smile

  • I have had the same issue, not syncing since Sunday. Tried all the adding, removal, pairing, unpairing, install, uninstalling, with the connect App and the Vívoactive 3 music. Doesn't work. In the new set-up of the App and wstch, it fails then too.

    If it was an update issue, then hopefully Garmin get onto a fix asap.. Really frustrating and time wasting. 

  • Have you tried updating the app to 4.36.3 ? 

    It solved the issue on my FR245.

    The app update was available this morning ... but I don't know if there is a phasing across countries in the Play Store (I'm located in Belgium). 

  • Cheers MD, i had updated yesterday, but just done another update and its fixed, cheers