Sometimes the activity shows on the dashboard either red or green, what is the significance of it?
Sometimes the activity shows on the dashboard either red or green, what is the significance of it?
I would tell that it has no special hidden meaning, each activity or activity category simply has its own color. I observed the following colors, but there might be more of them:
The colors are only based on the type of activity you are doing. Nothing else.
Check which type you used for the cross country single track. Walk is green. Hike is red. Run is orange.
One of the hiking activities is walking. Compare the icons. The hiking icon got a walking stick and a backpack. The name doesn't tell the activity type. My guess is that you manually changed the activity type of the walking activity that got "Hiking" in the name. If you change it to Hiking it will change color to red.
I’m using the Instinct with Gconnect and think the color changes based on difficulty of activity based on today’s observation.
My dog and I normally walk/hike a local greenbelt area and the activity shows up as green and nets about 7-8K steps. Today we ran the fun cross country single track sections along the route and the activity showed up as red and netted 11k steps. The only difference was my aerobic level and max HR were more In line with a hard bike ride. With the exception of step count that is.
I can ride 32 miles, climb over a thousand feet of elevation gain, get my max HR 20bpm higher than todays activity, and only nnet 3,000 steps.
I think their step Algorithm needs to be looked at.
I can ride 32 miles, climb over a thousand feet of elevation gain, get my max HR 20bpm higher than todays activity, and only nnet 3,000 steps.
Ride as in biking? During biking the step counter is turned off and you shouldn't get any steps at all.
The colors represent your VO2 Max of that exercise, ie. how much oxygen your body can absorb and use during exercise. From low absorption to high the colors are red, orange, green blue, purple.
in Garmin Connect after a workout, go to My Day:Training Status. VO2 Max
Those are the colors for running dynamics values and got nothing to do with this discussion.