Sometimes the activity shows on the dashboard either red or green, what is the significance of it?
Sometimes the activity shows on the dashboard either red or green, what is the significance of it?
I would tell that it has no special hidden meaning, each activity or activity category simply has its own color. I observed the following colors, but there might be more of them:
The colors are only based on the type of activity you are doing. Nothing else.
Check which type you used for the cross country single track. Walk is green. Hike is red. Run is orange.
I would tell that it has no special hidden meaning, each activity or activity category simply has its own color. I observed the following colors, but there might be more of them:
I have been told over and over that it has no significance. But ponder with me if you will because my runs typically show up Green. Today my run was yellow and my training changed to unproductive. So my hypothesis is that your activity is a reflection of the benefit to your training. Green, good to go! Orange, unproductive, red, decreasing your fitness.
I did a test now with different run types and I get orange/yellow for all my runs as well so I think that it is the standard color.
trux wrote orange as a color for trail run in the old post so it is probably the default color for all running activities.
I ponder this also and thought it related to HR zones and this theory seemed to ring true on all my activities until very recently where I stayed on Blue and Grey HR zones whilst doing strength workout and the tile turned up Amber so threw my theory out. Until this point it seemed to hold true.
activity type doesn’t seem to drive colour as I’ve had same activity return in different colours red does seem to be the ones I’ve maintained most relative effort, cardio workouts/HiiT etc......