New Payment only with Garmin Pay? Really?

Just when you think Garmin couldn’t act any more customer-unfriendly.
And then this.
A new payment store with apps that can only be purchased using Garmin Pay, which is practically irrelevant in Germany.
Is anyone at Garmin still in touch with reality?
Who comes up with the brilliant idea of pushing a payment system that 90% of customers can’t use due to lack of availability, even if they wanted to?

  • Garmin Pay with contactless payment and Garmin Pay in the Connect IQ store seems to be 2 different systems, I could use my normal Credit card in the connect iq store, just try it before you flame around at the end we are all humans who deserve to be polite with one another.

  • You're right, it works even if the bank isn't supported by 'Garmin Pay.' Naming the payment system like that is probably more than just awkward. I wonder if other potential buyers might refrain from attempting a purchase after checking Garmin's website because their bank isn't supported by 'Garmin Pay'?