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Conflicting VO2 Max readings in Connect IQ

Hi all! Acording to the insights tab in Connect IQ my VO2 Max is better than 17% of other users having my age group and gender selected. In turn that would mean that my VO2 Max is worse than 83% of other users in my age and gender. However, checking the VO2 Max gauge there is a statement saying that my VO2 Max is in the top 35% for your age and gender. I'm not an statistics expert but I can't bring the two views together. So what's going on here? Also, I'm exclusively running at the moment.

  • my VO2 Max is worse than 83% of other users in my age and gender. However, checking the VO2 Max gauge there is a statement saying that my VO2 Max is in the top 35% for your age and gender. I'm not an statistics expert but I can't bring the two views together. So what's going on here?

    Insights refer to Garmin users (mostly quite active people), while the VO₂max graph compares you to the general population (mostly lazy).

  • Okay. Makes sense. Have to work harder then. Thanks for clarifying..