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Map update problem with Garmin Express

I have attempted to update the maps on my Nuvi with the old installer. I was then forced to install the Garmin Express program to do so. The maps and other software updates downloaded alright. However, they never installed on my unit (no warning, no error messages during 5 hours).

I then went to MyDashboard online with the latest Firefox browser. The Garmin site never recognized that the latest Garmin Communicator module was already installed. I then used Internet Expplorer to log into MyGarmin. When I went to the maps update section, I was told that a map update failed and instructed to double-click on the file to start the installation process. However, I never found the bloody file on my computer. I was also offered the choice to entirely remove Garmin Express from my computer. I did so and logged back into MyDashboard. When I attempted to re-download the maps I was again told to install Garmin Express. I did so and I was then informed that it installed correctly. However, the program is now so sluggish that it does not recognize my unit when plugged-in and won't let me register it.

What the hell is going on with your map update process? Is there a solution to my problems?

Frustrated and angry,
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 11 years ago
    I recently purchased a 2557LMT (as in, three days ago). The first evening, I installed / ran Garmin Express, and was optimistic when the application said that it was installing updates ... not so optimistic when it hadn't progressed to 20% done by bed-time. I left the computer on all night, and when I checked it in the morning (some eight hours later), it hadn't progressed past 80%. I cancelled the update.

    I then discovered that Express was holding connections open on my PC, after I thought that I had stopped Express. Even when it didn't show in the Windows 7 system tray, it was slowing down my wireless internet to an unusable pace. As soon as I uninstalled Express, my internet resumed working ... I am glad this forum exists so that I could find a work-around to my problem.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 11 years ago
    Having a very similar problem with getting map updates.

    I have attempted to update the maps on my Nuvi with the old installer. I was then forced to install the Garmin Express program to do so. The maps and other software updates downloaded alright. However, they never installed on my unit (no warning, no error messages during 5 hours).

    I then went to MyDashboard online with the latest Firefox browser. The Garmin site never recognized that the latest Garmin Communicator module was already installed. I then used Internet Expplorer to log into MyGarmin. When I went to the maps update section, I was told that a map update failed and instructed to double-click on the file to start the installation process. However, I never found the bloody file on my computer. I was also offered the choice to entirely remove Garmin Express from my computer. I did so and logged back into MyDashboard. When I attempted to re-download the maps I was again told to install Garmin Express. I did so and I was then informed that it installed correctly. However, the program is now so sluggish that it does not recognize my unit when plugged-in and won't let me register it.

    What the hell is going on with your map update process? Is there a solution to my problems?

    Frustrated and angry,
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 11 years ago
    Spent a couple of frustrating hours trying to solve the Garmin Express "failed to install" problem (also spent about 45 minutes on hold with the Garmin customer service center). The program would say "downloading file 1 of 192", then it crashed. Then "downloading file 2 of 192" after restarting the program. Ugh! Scoured forum pages, Googled the daylights out of the problem. GarminMapUpdater did not work, nor did a host of other Garmin software for Mac. Found that after disabling my Sophos antivirus, the Garmin Express update worked. Hope this helps someone save some time!
  • Had an update this morning. downloaded for about 2 hours then got the dreaded error message. I found out that my express said I didnt have the latest version and that it would update it the next time I started it. I exited out and restarted it and it didnt update so I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and it finally said I had the latest version. However, I tried to download the new map and I still got the error message. I installed the old map updater and it downloaded and installed just fine. keep express so that you will know if theres any updates, but use the old map updater to install them.
  • My pretty happy experience:

    After quite a while without updates, partly because last time I remember it was a PITA, I looked for the latest update software for my Garmin Nuvi 1490. Found Garmin.Express, so downloaded & installed it. Then plugged in my Nuvi via USB to my computer. No response. Tried a different USB cable ... no response. Eventually happened to find the 'official' Garmin USB cable -- it worked! (Parenthetical complaint that, really, Garmins should just be compliant with the USB cables that everyone else uses.)

    Nuvi went through a longish boot, with a green line slowly moving across the screen. When that stopped, Garmin Express was still telling me to plug in my device. It said to unplug & re-plug, which I did. Same slow green line. ... and then, still, ... nothing. Garmin Express telling me to plug it in. Feeling discouraged. Tried closing & re-opening Garmin Express, doing the same thing ... no joy.

    Closed Garmin Express, & plugged in my Nuvi. Windows then found & installed a driver for my Nuvi.

    Re-tried Garmin Express ... and (after a longish wait) it found my Nuvi! It reported 4 updates being available: Firmware Update for GTMxx Traffic Receiver, Firmware Update (I guess, for the Nuvi generally), Voice, British English - Emily, and nuMaps Lifetime North America. I was pleased that it recognized my Nuvi's serial number and I didn't have to convince Garmin.Express that I'd bought lifetime maps. I had it do the updates. (From fear of problems, I had it do each one separately. No idea if that mattered.)

    One nice improvement: Previously I'd had to fight to get the map and the extras just on the internal memory -- my SD card didn't seem to help. This time, Garmin.Express said there wasn't enough room to put the updated map all on the internal memory, so could it use the SD card? I said yes. (Unless I was using the Garmin to smuggle illegal datafiles, why else would I have put an SD card in it?) Update proceeded.

    The map update took ~ 1/2 hr., but I could see from 'progress' that it wasn't locked. Then got screen "Your device is up to date!" YEA! But, a little oddly, it also had a hot box "check for updates". Why should I check for updates if my Nuvi is up to date? But, anyway, I clicked "check for updates" and ... the same 4 updates came up. WTF?? Not knowing what else to do, and hoping that maybe there were sequential updates (have to install one, then a later one, instead of just one full update), I went through the same update installations again, worrying that they hadn't taken, or ... all sorts of things. Happily ... at the end of that worrying ... Garmin.Express had worked perfectly! Really. I clicked the "check for updates" and got no new updates. Yea!!!

    So, Garmin.Express is a big improvement over the MapUpdater, because Garmin.Express worked so nicely. But, it still needs a little work. Obviously, some people have a miserable experience with it and whatever causes that needs to be fixed. Also, if there are sequential updates, there should be a notice on the "Your device is up to date!" screen, saying to try "check for updates" again because sometimes there are multiple updates that have to be done sequentially.

    Also, the "extras" menu found no available extras for my Garmin ... no languages, etc. That's not correct, but mostly I just am happy to have a working and updated Garmin.
  • Wish I could say same... I have a 7-9Mbps DSL connection, Win7, 2595LMT. Watched Garmin Express run for about 2 hrs till it errored out, and said it would try again. No change after 2 more hours.. Restarted and it showed 24% for about 3 hours with no progress. Started the old MapUpdater about 4 hours ago and at that time is said there were 53 hours remaining. Now the green bar is about 33% complete and it says 17hours left. Hope windows update doesnt decide it needs me to reboot any time soon.

    ETA: no progress for over 100 minutes. :(

    morning ETA: OK, weird - MapUpdater did not move after 9 hours. So I relaunched Express and now it is 69% complete and ripping along at 500+ KB/s. </Bewildered>

    ETA: ...and now for the past hour, Express has not made any further progress beyond 77%, citing 0 KB/s rate. >sigh< Good thing I started this update 4 days before my big trip!

    ETA: ... 24 hours later, no progress on Express. Launched Updater v3.2.2 several times, selecting the option to keep the temporary files.... and it just spins on "calculating" for hours. Pause/Resume, Kill/relaunch, same. I guess I won't be getting 2014.20 before my trip. Maybe later I can get it, but by then maybe .21 will be out.

    Yesterday I thought that was the best advice I've had in months. Today I'm not so sure. But Express doesnt seem to have an option to install the map on the PC. Mapupdater gave me that option, but stalled after a few hours and make no progress for another 10+ hours.
  • Well I've never had such a long stall problem although I have seen brief (a few minutes) ones. Others sometimes complaint of the same issue.

    I'd try pausing/resuming the download.

    Another trick is to tick the "save temporary files" tickbox in the advanced options. That way if you cancel the program and restart it the files you already received aren't downloaded again. I always tick this option.
  • Well I've never had such a long stall problem although I have seen brief (a few minutes) ones. Others sometimes complaint of the same issue.

    I'd try pausing/resuming the download.

    Another trick is to tick the "save temporary files" tickbox in the advanced options. That way if you cancel the program and restart it the files you already received aren't downloaded again. I always tick this option.

    No such luck.
    Oddly, though, MapUpdater says 2014.20 has already been installed. And so does My Dashboard.
    Yet, it does not appear in Basecamp, and I cannot figure out where to see on the device what map is installed.