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Garmin Express on Win 11 not detecting my Nuvi 2597

I just installed Garmin Express on my Dell Precision Win 11 laptop, and it is not detecting my Garmin Nuvi 2597 GPS device or a 128 GB SD card in my laptop. I need to update the [software 5.50] and [maps 2021.10 ALL] on my Nuvi 2597. I have high speed fiber optic 500 gb up and down so ample bandwidth.

So far, I've tried:

  • Several different usb cables plugged directly into the laptops ports. I can see the unit charges, but is not detected by Garmin Express
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling Garmin Express
  • Running Garmin Express as Administrator
  • having Garmin Express find the SD card in my laptop, but it cannot find it
  • Ensuring the Garmin nuvi 2597 is fully charged

Does anyone have any suggestion on how I can get the updated software files and updated maps on my nuvi 2597 or an SD card?

Thank you in advance!