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Garmin Express on Win 11 not detecting my Nuvi 2597

I just installed Garmin Express on my Dell Precision Win 11 laptop, and it is not detecting my Garmin Nuvi 2597 GPS device or a 128 GB SD card in my laptop. I need to update the [software 5.50] and [maps 2021.10 ALL] on my Nuvi 2597. I have high speed fiber optic 500 gb up and down so ample bandwidth.

So far, I've tried:

  • Several different usb cables plugged directly into the laptops ports. I can see the unit charges, but is not detected by Garmin Express
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling Garmin Express
  • Running Garmin Express as Administrator
  • having Garmin Express find the SD card in my laptop, but it cannot find it
  • Ensuring the Garmin nuvi 2597 is fully charged

Does anyone have any suggestion on how I can get the updated software files and updated maps on my nuvi 2597 or an SD card?

Thank you in advance!

  • See

    Note your card won't be formatted FAT32 which is required by Garmin so use a 32Gb card which should by default be FAT32, or reformat your 128Gb card. Also note you require a data cable, sounds like you may be using a charging only cable.

  • Thanks for the reply. I will try a FAT32, but the cables I used were for data. Is it confirmed that Garmin Express works on Win 11? Thank you.

  • As far as compatibility, Garmin's website states


    • Windows 10 or newer, Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 (included)
    • 1024 x 768 display, USB port and 1 GB RAM
    • High-speed internet access (not for use with dial-up, mobile or satellite connections)
    • May require up to 20 GB free disk space
  • Works perfectly on my Win11 system.

  • FWIW, I did not install the .NET included with Garmin Express when I installed it on a new Win 11 laptop.  It works fine so my laptop must have come with a compatible version.

  • Hi Peobody. Can you explain a bit more. Did you do a Garmin Express custom install? Where do I find the .NET to ensure its not installed? Thank you in advance!

  • I don't recall a "custom install".  I just download Garmin Express and run the downloaded GarmenExpress.exe file.  IIRC, there is a prompt or an option to install .NET which I did not choose, assuming that if I needed it I could run the installation again and choose its installation, or I could find it online at a Microsoft download source.  Surprisingly, I do not have any version of .NET installed on my Win11 Pro laptop yet I have successfully used several versions of GE on it.

    Edit:  I may be wrong about .NET not being installed.  It does not appear in the list of installed programs but I found the following path that appears to contain it:  C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET.  

  • You should be able to go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, or in Settings under Apps > Installed apps and see what versions you have installed.  I would caution to not uninstall anything as various programs may use various versions.  On my Windows 10 64 bit machine I have (4) different versions.

    Another way is to open an elevated command line and issue the command reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Net Framework Setup\NDP\v4" /s

  • There in no entry for .NET in Installed apps.  The reg query produced "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\".  I wonder if it is part of Win11 since it is in C:\Windows and not in either of the Program Files directories.  Regardless, it seems to meet the need of Garmin Express.

    I checked my old Win10 laptop and it has four installed .NET versions even though I am pretty sure that I have installed the same software on my Win11 machine that was on my Win10.

  • When you do the search in Installed Apps, do you have any listings that show .NET Runtime?  If possible search using .NET only.  Then it will return all possibilities.  Do keep in mind I'm running Windows 10.