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nüvi 2597LMT Error when trying to update "We are unable to add this device because our servers are unavailable at this time."

Keep getting this error, other GPS will update on my Garmin Express but this one will not work. Tried older versions. Tried other laptops. But no luck. Need help

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  • Still getting the same error and additionally I'm getting a "Invalid chart" after I do a add device on Express.

  • Weird, the error sounds like it is detecting a marine unit.  Something similar…go to Can’t Update 2597 and scroll down to the first content by “Nuvi-Neber.”  What do you get based on his test procedure?

  • Well my USB cord won't let me go out of the PC mode when its plugged in. So I took it out in the car and used the battery cord. It did recognized the car cord. Still getting the same error.

  • Go to the link I previously provided and do the test that Nuvi-Neber recommends in response #4.  It reads in part "I would tend to suspect the 2597 USB connector, there is a test you can do....".

  • If you are talking about changing cord and seeing if it recognized the USB cord? I tried that and the cords isn't one of the cords that allows me to get out of the PC mode when plugged into the USB port. I tried the car cord and it did recognized that cord.

  • I had suggested you go to the link cant-update-my-nuvi-2597lmt and once there scroll down to the test procedure mentioned by Nuvi-Neber (response #4).  The procedure starts with the text "I would tend to suspect the 2597 USB connector, there is a test you can do, with no cable plugged into the 2597 goto Main Menu, touch and hold the battery icon (top right corner of the screen) for 5 seconds, you should now have a screen like this " and shows a screen.  See what you screen looks like as compared to the one at the thread.

  • Here is what I have before I plug the cord in. 

  • In comparing your posted screen to that of Nuvi-Neber one thing I see that is likely significant is your device, under “RAM Test” says not supported.  Nuvi-Neber’s device shows RAM Test = Ready.  Granted Nuvi-Neber’s device is a Nuvi 56 as compared to your 2589LMT.  But when you scroll down in that thread to the screen from the OP’s 2589LMT (it’s a link), it too shows RAM Test = Ready.  I'm inclined to think your device has some internal fault and/or a connector fault at the USB.   

  • Is the internal fault fixable? Is there a way to reset the GPS back to factory condition? Are those Connector replaceable? I have the capability to solder a new one if possible.

  • If you want to try a hard reset the procedure is at Hard reset.  Note you will lose some things like Favorites but the link also discusses how to back them up.  You may not be able to do a backup however with the issues you are having.