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Won't do paved Roads Only on Surface Pro, but does on PC

Hello all. Hope to get some help here. 

Using Basecamp to plan a 3 day trip from NM to watch MotoGP in Austin. 

Strangely, I can no longer get my Zumo XT to connect with any of the USB ports of my desktop PC (any help in that would be appreciated!), but it does connect with my Surface Pro 8. So I set about planning the trip on the Surface Pro.

I have version 4.7.5 of Basecamp on both computers. 

When I use basecamp on my PC, I can start the route at my home and then select several hundred miles down my desired route and Basecamp selects a route all on paved roads in my desired path. My first stop is in Presidio Tx day 1 via side roads thru the Ft Davis mountains, and I can set up the whole route with only 4 to 5 mouse clicks to force the route on paved roads only as I desire. Works great. However, as stated, I can't connect my Zumo XT to transfer the route. 

So I decided to just plan the same route on my Surface Pro 8. Bur darn, it does not work the same way. As far as I can tell, I have everything configured exactly the same way in the Route Options, but when I click on the same map locations on the Surface Pro version of Basecamp as I did for the PC, everytime it routes it on the smallest dirt roads it can find....even though I have avoid unpaved roads checked. 

Any thought as to what I have done here, possibly something I missed in setting up the Surface Pro version of Basecamp to force it to choose paved roads only?



  • Which activity do you have selected in BaseCamp? Is it the same in both? I assume you're using the same map in both?

  • Same activity. Same map. City Navigator North America NT 2025.2.

    I did appear to fix one thing which is good. I found there was an old Garmin USB driver (grmnusb.sys) listed in the Basecamp "About" page for the PC. I deleted that and lo and behold, the XT connected to the PC. Nice....

    I still would like to fix the other problem with not sticking with paved roads on the Surface pro since I will use that computer to make routes while on the road. 

  • Then that's very strange. First thing to try would be an uninstall then reinstall of BaseCamp and see if that resolves it.

  • Just tried the uninstall and reinstall. Still routes on dirt roads as much as possible. 

  • Then must be a difference in the routing options somewhere. Have you tried opening your selected activity on your PC and Surface Pro,  and compared them side by side? Also are your BaseCamp versions the same?

  • Yep. Compared exactly. And same versions. I also have another laptop where basecamp works correctly, but is not really the one I want to travel with. 

    Played around with the Surface Pro some more and a really odd approach seemed to snap the route on to Roads. I start making the route and it still goes on trails......then if I go to the route options by double clicking the route and choose customize the route, then it snaps to the roads. But If I just click in the Route Icon in the New Route Popup, nothing I do gets the route to snap to the road. 

    Kind of strange. Forces me to double click on the Route which opens a box with 5 tabs. I choose the tab for Route Options, click on Cutomize Route options and choose something other than hiking....and it snaps to the roads. 

    This is workable for me. But I do not have to do it this way on my PC or other laptop. 

    I can't seem to store this set of route options so it opens to those. Whenever I go to the Edit/Options/Activity Profile it goes to the same popup box as when building a new route.....(the one without 5 tabs) that as I mentioned does not work for me. 

    Hope this makes sense. 

    Thank you SUSSAMB for your efforts on this. Much appreciated. 

  • Then I have no idea I'm afraid, can't recall an instance when with everything the same BaseCamp works differently. 

  • Kind of strange. Forces me to double click on the Route which opens a box with 5 tabs. I choose the tab for Route Options, click on Cutomize Route options and choose something other than hiking....and it snaps to the roads. 

    This seems to be the key since it indicates that the route is be created with the hiking profile.  What activity profile is showing in Edit > Options > Activity Profile?  If it is "Hiking" then Basecamp is defaulting to using the Hiking profile when creating routes.  Change it to your preferred activity profile.  If it is not "Hiking" then the question remains why is Basecamp using the Hiking profile when creating a route.  Obviously, changing the profile when the route is first created is a workaround. 

  • I agree this makes sense. I note that on the PC version, going to options i has defaulted to the Dirt Bike activity and not Hiking. This is probably why the route stays on roads by default. 

    However, do you know how to change my preferred activity profile and save it? On both my PC and Surface Pro, when I go to Edit/Options/Activity Profile and use the pull down to change the activity and hit OK, it does not seem to save the new profile. If I close out options and then go back to it, it is still the original Activity (Dirt Bike for PC and Hiking for Surface Pro). it simply stays on what was originally there instead of going to the new activity I just selected. 

    Is there a different place where you save your default preferred activity? I have not found it. 

  • Ohhhh mannnn! Ok I solved it with your help. I searched for how to set a default activity......and I guess I did not realize that the "toolbar" has an activity pull down. When I use the toolbar pulldown to select the activity PRIOR to hitting the new Route, then it snaps to roads. 

    I kept trying to set the default activity by going to Edit/Options which is more like most other programs I have used. 

    So, we are done. Once again SUSSAMB, thank you so much for carrying on this conversation with me. It is really helpful to walk through steps and hear different perspectives and points of view to get out of your own head.