Hello all. Hope to get some help here.
Using Basecamp to plan a 3 day trip from NM to watch MotoGP in Austin.
Strangely, I can no longer get my Zumo XT to connect with any of the USB ports of my desktop PC (any help in that would be appreciated!), but it does connect with my Surface Pro 8. So I set about planning the trip on the Surface Pro.
I have version 4.7.5 of Basecamp on both computers.
When I use basecamp on my PC, I can start the route at my home and then select several hundred miles down my desired route and Basecamp selects a route all on paved roads in my desired path. My first stop is in Presidio Tx day 1 via side roads thru the Ft Davis mountains, and I can set up the whole route with only 4 to 5 mouse clicks to force the route on paved roads only as I desire. Works great. However, as stated, I can't connect my Zumo XT to transfer the route.
So I decided to just plan the same route on my Surface Pro 8. Bur darn, it does not work the same way. As far as I can tell, I have everything configured exactly the same way in the Route Options, but when I click on the same map locations on the Surface Pro version of Basecamp as I did for the PC, everytime it routes it on the smallest dirt roads it can find....even though I have avoid unpaved roads checked.
Any thought as to what I have done here, possibly something I missed in setting up the Surface Pro version of Basecamp to force it to choose paved roads only?