I create a route in Basecamp. I right click the route and use "send to" to send the route to a microsd card I use in my RV-890. I remove the card from my PC and insert it in my RV-890 and then power the RV-890 on. When I go to "trip planner", then "saved routes", it shows no routes available. (This used to work for importing routes from Basecamp into the RV-890.)
I eject the card from the RV-890 and then reinsert it in my PC. In Basecamp, the route still shows up under "memory card", "user data". However, when I double click the route, the "properties" tab looks the same as the route on the PC, but the "route directions" tab is missing all the turn by turn information. Only the waypoints are still there. Somehow, the RV-890 is corrupting the file when it tries to import it.