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BaseCamp initialization - Cannot load the following areas: List data file

I've been using BaseCamp for many years and today for the first time I got a message after trying to open the app. I searched the forum and found no answer. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app but I keep getting this error. How can I get rid of this error?

  • Strange, looks like the relevant file has been deleted. Does BaseCamp still open, and if so do you still see your data? 

  • Your help is very much appreciated.

    Basecamp does open. My route and waypoint data is not visible, with one exception, "Recovered Birdseye Data" is visible. (six satellite images that I downloaded years ago and don't need)

    Fortunately I backed up my data 10 days ago, so I have not lost any data. I have attempted to use the "File->Restore" command. The restore process acts like it is working, but then the application automatically restarts and the same message "BaseCamp initialization - Cannot load the following areas: List data file" I click "Fix" and Basecamp opens and no data is visible, except the Birdseye images.

    Ten days ago when I backed up my data, Basecamp was working fine, and this is the first time since then that I tried to use Basecamp. Do you think the File->Backup command might have caused this?

  • I suggest you do a search for AllData.gdb, that will show you what databases you have on your PC. The important bit is that they should all be associated with a file named FolderData.gfi 

    That file is the one that contains the list data. I suspect somehow BaseCamp is trying to access a database where that file is either missing or corrupted.

  • FWIW, mine is in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Garmin\BaseCamp\Database\4.7.

    Keep in mind that you can specify an alternate location in Basecamp options.  Mine is set toe "Default" which resulted in this location.

  • I think we are getting there.

    I found both files: AllData.gdb and FolderData.gfi

    Both files are in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Garmin\BaseCamp\Database\4.7

    I tried double clicking the files to open them, but that didn't work.

    What should I do with these two files? Do I use Command Prompt to open them? How?

  • I would first confirm the Basecamp is looking in the default location by opening Basecamp and then going to Edit > Options > General.  In the center of that screen is where you see the database options.  If "Default" is not showing there then Basecamp is looking somewhere else for its database files.  If "Default" is there, then my concern is the same as  in that the files may be corrupted.  I would only be guessing about how to resolve that so I hope someone will offer definitive guidance.

  • I verified and confirmed that Basecamp is looking in the "Default" location for its database files. To see if the files are corrupted, I performed a File->Restore command and I used the backup file one prior to my current backup file. Fortunately, I had not deleted that file. After the restore process completed, all of my data is back. My problem is fixed. There must have been something in the last GPX file that I added that corrupted my data list. Lesson learned is to always keep historic backups and backup often.

    Thank you for your help in resolving this.

  • Nice!  I am glad to know that restoring those files from a backup worked.  Your experience also reinforces the importance of keeping at least one prior backup.

  • Brilliant. Shows the value of having backups. I'll close this thread.