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Waypoints not visible on GPSmap 62sc

We've been using multiple units of the GPSmap 62sc for years. This year, uploaded waypoints are not visible on the GPS units (multiple units with the same issue). The waypoints are visible in Basecamp and other software (DNRGPS), and the .gpx files are in the right folder on the device, but the device does not seem to be able to recognize they are there. Device software updated today and issue remains. The only change from previous years I can think of is we changed our operating system from Win 7 to 10. Waypoints recorded by the device are visible, but not if they are taken off and then put back on.


  • Do they show in waypoint manager? If so are you sure they're not visible, have you tried zooming in? Could be that it's an issue with the icon size

  • They're not visible in the waypoint manager or on the map page. They also cannot be deleted from the device using the delete function in the waypoint manager. The device seems not to be able to detect them but they can still be uploaded off the device.

  • Multiple units failed at the same time (prior to update)?  Have you exceeded the maximum limit of 2000 waypoints?  If you uploaded to the devices (not sd card) was there enough memory available?

    Firstly, you should move all of your waypoints, track and route files to your computer.  Delete the GPX folder on the device and an gpx files on an SD card if in use.  Try creating a waypoint on the device and see if it appears in the manager.  Try uploading a single waypoint  to the location - device or sd card - that you normally do and see if it shows up on the device. 

    If you still have problems try a master reset on one of the device- WARNING this will reset your personal set-up to the initial factory settings AND erase all user data.

    1. Ensure the power is of

    2. Press and hold down both the Page and Enter keys.

    3. Continue to hold down the keys while powering on the device.

    4.  When message appears asking if you want to erase all data release the Page and Enter keys and select Yes.

    Restore your data and see if it is functioning correctly.

    If your data is on sd cards, you might want to clean the contacts and see if that helps.

  • The issue with the units began prior to update. There is lots of space on the device, just a handful of waypoints. I tried the reset just now (thanks for the suggestion) but it didn't work. After reset the waypoints were still present on the gps and the waypoint manager still does not recognize them. I can delete the waypoints off the device using Windows file explorer, and when I upload .gpx files from my laptop using a couple different software programs it all seems fine, but the waypoint manager does not recognize them. I'm not using a sim card.

  • That's really weird if it's happening on multiple units. You say the waypoints are visible in BaseCamp but also mention in other software.  How are you sending these waypoints?  Are you using BaseCamp?  If not do you get the problem when you do?  If so can you attach a relevant gpx file?

  • I'm not sure what you deleted through windows.  If you didn't do the following try deleting the GPX folder within the Garmin folder on the device.  Disconnect the device from the computer.  Go through an on/off power cycle (wait for map to appear).  Then turn on the unit, establish satellite lock and try creating a waypoint using the Mark key on the device.  Does this waypoint show up in the Waypoint manager and on the device?

  • Yesterday I tried sending a couple different gpx files using both Basecamp and another software program called DNRGPS that we've been using for years. In both programs I was using the upload function and received no error message during that process. The uploaded files are visible on the device when viewed using Windows file manager but no visible on the device through waypoint manager or the map page. This morning I tried the reset again, I wanted to see if waypoints recently collected with the device would be deleted. They were not, but since that second reset my laptop will no longer recognize the GPS. I get an error message. When I get to our office today I'm going to experiment with some of our GPSmap 60's.

  • OK so sorted out the connection issue (it was the cable). Original issue still remains unsolved. The issue is consistent on three different GPSmap 62sc units. I tested my upload process on one of our older units (GPSmap 60CSx) and it worked no problem so it is definitely not the laptop, cable, or software. It is something specific to the 62sc units. I tried deleting the GPX folder as suggested. The unit was able to record waypoints and display them in the waypoint manager, but as before when the same waypoints are downloaded to the laptop, deleted from the device using waypoint manager, then uploaded back to the device, they are not visible in the waypoint manager or map. This is an issue since we need to upload waypoints collected on a previous day to multiple units.

    For curiosity sake we're using the GPS's to map eelgrass habitats in the Pacific Northwest (

    All you help is appreciated, thanks! If anyone has any other ideas let me know.

  • It's still odd that this would happen to three units at the same time.  You stated that creating a waypoint on the device was visible in the Waypoint manager.  If you turn the unit off then back on does it still show up?  I would not hurt to scan the device for virus/malware.  A long shot would be that something was placed on the devices that is interfering with it's normal boot.  You can also try exporting the waypoints from BaseCamp to a gpx file (name it Waypoints.gpx) and try moving it to the device Garmin>GPX folder via windows.

  • Can you attach a gpx file that is causing this issue?