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Virb Android App Wishlist

I wish the Garmin Virb App would include other features in addition to modifying the camera settings, remote live view and remote start video recording
-Remote pictures shutter (as available from other devices such as the Garmin Fenix or Garmin Oregon)
-Live or semi live video preview while video recording
-Browse (Play/Delete) recorded Videos and Pictures
-Transfer recorded Videos and Pictures to the Phone storage
  • I believe all of these are on the road-map. That's about as concrete as I am allowed to get.
  • Any news on whether there will be an app update for these suggestions? Also it'd be awesome if it could have a self-selected timer delay!
  • While I can't comment on specifics, suffice it to say that we are working very hard on the VIRB and the mobile app.
  • Cool! looking forward for live video preview and browse recorded video/picture from Android smartphone :cool:
  • Re: Transfer recorded Videos and Pictures to the Phone storage

    I am about to Trek in Nepal and I WISH that I was able to transfer Garmin VIRB Video to my Android Tablet - This would increase my storage capacity + be able to review/edit on my Tablet as the trip progresses. USB wired would be best - Via Wi-Fi next best - Keeping in mind that limited ability to recharge Virb + Tablet whilst Trekking - Definitely a future feature on VIRB EDIT that is a must - I cannot justify taking my tablet - Thanks for future feature consideration - AA
  • a year has passed and I believe only the picture shutter has been implemented from the wishlist at the start of this thread.
    With the release of the new Virb X camera, can we get any indication if the following functions will be eventually implemented for the original Virb Elite?
    -Browse (Play/Delete) recorded Videos and Pictures
    -Transfer recorded Videos and Pictures to the Phone storage
  • I am very disappointed the latest Mobile App update does not offer any media library functions for the Virb Elite, even when it was mentioned it was on the roadmap more than a year ago. In my case I don't want to trade the built in screen for complete wifi functionality in the new Virbs. Please consider adding at least basic file access support (file and video download) for the Virb Elite!
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago
    Virb mobile app

    I agree: The virb mobile app is pretty much useless at the moment. It would be nice to at least be able to view what you have recorded and even transfer to your phone or tablet. Also what we can see on the app while recording would be nice too. If Go Pro can do it so can you guys at Garmin!
  • Hi,
    all the above mentioned features are working with the Virb XE.
    Seems quite good, as I can say from one day testing.

    A small suggestion would be to enable using the Smartphones Microphone as an external Mic.
    In my case, I got my Smartphone inside of my motorcycle clothes and it would exclude the wind noises.

    And, I always have to connect the right WLAN on startup, it seems not to be stored inside of the app correctly.

    Thats it :)
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 9 years ago
    Watching the video live as it's being recorded is my biggest wish! That way I can always keep my subjects in frame.