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Virb Android App Wishlist

I wish the Garmin Virb App would include other features in addition to modifying the camera settings, remote live view and remote start video recording
-Remote pictures shutter (as available from other devices such as the Garmin Fenix or Garmin Oregon)
-Live or semi live video preview while video recording
-Browse (Play/Delete) recorded Videos and Pictures
-Transfer recorded Videos and Pictures to the Phone storage
  • Watching the video live as it's being recorded is my biggest wish! That way I can always keep my subjects in frame.

    I think, that this is not possible. The video quality is very poor during the live view. Also, as you can see during the preview, it´s not a very fluently image.
    So in my opinion, the camera cannot record HD and output SD (or less) at the same time. Also the low image rate by WiFi concludes that the transfer rate is quite bad or the processor to small for that case.
    Sure, this would be a great feature, when recording a lot from your hand or a stick.

    Yesterday I wanted to show a friend the nice features and why the XE is better than his GoPro3...
    The App always shows the WLAN-Connection Screen. Why? It once was connected...
    So I choose "Connect". Then I have to search the camera´s WiFi (Also Why, they know each other already).
    The WiFi already display´s the Virb as a connected WiFi, but nothing happens, until you select the entry (You can guess: Why?).
    After that, it says "connecting..." and nothing happens for about 1 minute. So I close the App, restart the XE, stop WiFi, and start from the scratch. Same procedure for the next 2 tries until it finally worked.
    That can be improved a lot.
    Also (already mentioned the page before) selecting the smartphones microphone as input would be a great feature!

    My phone is a HTC One (m7) Anroid 4.4.3, if it can help in any way.
  • And after about two years?

    I believe all of these are on the road-map. That's about as concrete as I am allowed to get.

    Just found this post.
    Any progress on the suggested items?

    Kind regards
  • All that features where already implemented.
    BUT: Only with Virb X and Virb XE. The Elite doesn´t have some of that features.
  • 4811

    I wish the Garmin Virb App would include other features in addition to modifying the camera settings, remote live view and remote start video recording
    -Remote pictures shutter (as available from other devices such as the Garmin Fenix or Garmin Oregon)
    -Live or semi live video preview while video recording
    -Browse (Play/Delete) recorded Videos and Pictures
    -Transfer recorded Videos and Pictures to the Phone storage

    Sorry if this has been said before but I use ED File Explorer to transfer pics and videos, works great!
  • Sorry if this has been said before but I use ED File Explorer to transfer pics and videos, works great!

    I presume you mean ES File Explorer? How do you use it to transfer files from a virb? (I have the virb elite - connected via wifi to Galaxy S4.)
  • I presume you mean ES File Explorer? How do you use it to transfer files from a virb? (I have the virb elite - connected via wifi to Galaxy S4.)

    When you click on share in the virb app there is an option with the ES logo that says "save to device" :)
  • Android App

    All that features where already implemented.
    BUT: Only with Virb X and Virb XE. The Elite doesn't have some of that features.

    In the most literal way, i suppose.
    For me totally useless though.

    If you have a 10min footage and want tot share / edit it the app starts downloading it completely over the wifi connection.
    This takes ages.
    If you download footage using a wired interface, with ES-File Explorer for example, you can not edit the video using VirbApp anymore.
    I also wonder why the video has to be downloaded in the first place. The device is mounted so why not edit the file using the Virb native drive.

    The preview function is total rubbish!
    Some downgraded version of the video is displayed, Extreme low resolution and a retarded Frame-rate.:mad:
  • The functionality of the app was already limited with the virb elite, but now after updating it to the latest release, the app is taking ages to show the live view of the camera! if I am lucky, sometimes it just keeps standing by, and the camera preview never loads. consider fixing this asap, or offer the virb old version as a separate listing in google play, or give a link to load the old apk to sideload it. breaking existing functionality of the older model won't make me rush get the new virb!

    Update: I was able to get a hold of version, which I installed and is showing the virb elite preview feed ok. so in the meantime if you want to keep your virb elite working, do not update to the latest version.
  • The functionality of the app was already limited with the virb elite, but now after updating it to the latest release, the app is taking ages to show the live view of the camera! if I am lucky, sometimes it just keeps standing by, and the camera preview never loads. consider fixing this asap, or offer the virb old version as a separate listing in google play, or give a link to load the old apk to sideload it. breaking existing functionality of the older model won't make me rush get the new virb!

    Update: I was able to get a hold of version, which I installed and is showing the virb elite preview feed ok. so in the meantime if you want to keep your virb elite working, do not update to the latest version.

    I got the same situation.
    So I downgrade the APP to version
  • Today an update was released, to improve that.
    The Virb Elite should show the live preview with the latest version, again.

    My current problems are:
    Only old media is shown. But that, very fast. I suppose the thumbnails were buffered. Once, the new videos have been loaded, as well. I started to modify one of them.
    Sadly all the OBD II Overlays from the previous versions were missing :(
    After returning back to the media library, the new videos disappeard and until now, never been displayed again.

    The App got the possibility to update the Virb OTA. Selecting "Check for Update" is only possible with the Virb connected. With the Virb connected, you cannot check for updates, because of missing internet connection :D
    Probably when you connect the Virb directly to a router, which is not possible, since several Versions. I can reenter the WiFi-key as often as I want to, or delete and add the connection from the scratch. But that´s a Virb XE problem.

    It has been more clearly to differ App Settings from Virb Settings. All in all it seems more complicated/less intuitive then before. But that´s just my two cents :)