Group ride Monday 1200 Amsterdam (GMT+2)

You’ve been invited to a Group Ride!

v5 068 Kaikoura Bike Route
Distance: 34.87 km
Elevation Gain: 271 m
Difficulty: Easy

We will be online at 11:50 and will start this 12:00

Make sure that you select the Beta app after clicking on the link.

Hope someone can join. (I know, next time later in the afternoon or evening ;) )

  • I saw 2 spectators. All went well. 

    But a tip

    After that you have selected the Beta link and see the film make sure that you select to start.

    You then will be directed to the connection screen.

    After all is connected you can go back to the warm up screen

    If you do not do this. And click on Devices (when seeing the start screen), then you will not be able to return to the start option.

    This because the App does not know the Groupride.

    You then have to go to the link once more and then follow the steps above.

  • Exactly i was one of them.....encountered what you described (having set as a trainer DEMO mode); missing the start button initially lead the user to start everything from the beginning, why not havng a: "Resume GroupRide OR Live Groupride" tab?